適用於 Windows 10/11 N 的 Media Feature Pack 以選用功能形式提供下載。 以下說明如何安裝 Media Feature Pack: 在Windows 10 N上:選取 ,然後選取 [>應用程式]>應用程式和功能>選用功能>[新增功能]。 在可用選用功能清單中找到Media Feature Pack。
In diesem Artikel wird das Windows Media Feature Pack für Windows 7 N und für Windows 7 KN beschrieben. Gilt für:Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Ursprüngliche KB-Nummer:968211 Zusammenfassung Die N-Edition und die KN-Edition des Windows 7-Betriebssystems enthalten keine Windows Medie...
Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10 The Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10 will install Media Player and related technologies on a computer running Windows 10 N editions. For further information, please seeMicrosoft Supportor query the Knowledge Base (KB) for the articl...
Step 3: Locate Media Feature Pack and note down its exact name. Then, run the command –DISM /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:PackName. ReplacePackNamewith the name of Media Feature Pack you have noted. Next, the installation process starts. Fixes for Windows PowerShell Keeps Popping ...
The Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 8 will install Media Player and related technologies on a computer running Windows 8 N or Windows 8 KN editions. For further information, please see http://support.microsoft.com and query the Knowledge Base for the article number KB2703...
windows media在程序和功能的启用或者关闭Windows功能中。打开方法:右击开始菜单,弹出菜单选择“程序和功能”。点击窗口右边的“启用或关闭Windows功能”。在列表中找到“媒体功能”,点击+号展开就可以看到Windows Media Player 点击取消选中,点击确定即可。Windows 7,中文名称视窗7,是由微软公司(Microsoft...
你机器是否有安装类似shark007,或wincodec之类的第三方视频解码软件,这会根本改变windows media player的...
Microsoft has made available Media Feature Pack for N Editions of Windows 10 version 1903. The "N" edition is targeted for Europe, and "KN" for Korea. Both editions include all the essential features of the OS except Windows Media Player, Music, Video, Voice Recorder, and Skype. If you ...
Expected behaviour On previous version ( of opencv-python-headless, the package did not depend on windows media feature pack. >> pyi-bindepend.exe "C:\Users\user\anaconda3\envs\cv246\Lib\site-packages\cv2\cv2.pyd" C:\Users\user\...
运行游戏就让我更新/..运行游戏就让我更新/安装 Windows Media Feature Pack, 但是系统已经有了 WMP试了 reloaded 版和RAS 版启动都是如下这样一个提示这个时候点否就直接退出了点是就到