PS C:\> (Measure-Command { Get-EventLog "windows powershell" }).Milliseconds305Note that Measure-Command does not show you the output of the command that you have executed for PowerShell commands, just the time it took to execute the command. If you want to see the command's output, ...
它就是 Measure-Command cmdlet。利用该命令,您可以估量运行 cmdlet 或脚本所需的时间。您还可能会发现 Trace-Command cmdlet 有助于调试简短的脚本块。 使用对象 SharePoint 中包含大量可用对象,正如您可能预料到的,与 SharePoint Foundation 相比,SharePoint Server 中有更多可用对象。通过阅读本书,您可能已确定这些...
MeasureEnabled 设备是否在侦听 MICROSOFT_KEYWORD_MEASURES? NumVidPnSources 受支持的显示输出源的数量。 NumVidPnTargets 受支持的显示输出目标的数量。 SharedSystemMemoryB GPU 和 CPU 共享的系统内存量(以字节为单位)。 SubSystemID 子系统 ID。 SubVendorID GPU 子供应商 ID。 TelemetryEnabled 设备是否听取 MICROSO...
Get-Counter:收集系统性能数据。 分析脚本性能:使用Measure-Command测量命令或脚本段的执行时间,优化性能瓶颈。 14.远程管理 Enter-PSSession/Exit-PSSession:建立和退出与远程计算机的交互式会话。 Invoke-Command:在远程计算机上执行命令或脚本。 配置远程管理:设置WS-Management和PowerShell远程策略,确保安全性。 15.版本...
Measure-Command Measures the time it takes to run script blocks and cmdlets. Measure-Object Calculates the numeric properties of objects and the characters, words, and lines in string objects, such as files of text. Move-Item Moves an item from one location to another. Move-ItemProperty Moves...
(powershell-Command"$duration = Measure-Command { echo %params% | .\%executable% | Out-Default }; $seconds = $duration.TotalSeconds; Write-Host "`n___" -ForegroundColor Cyan; Write-Host 'Execution time (seconds):' -NoNewline; Write-Host "`t$seconds" -ForegroundColor Cyan; exit $...
Get-Command:查找可用的命令。它的别名是gcm. Get-ChildItem:列出当前目录下的文件和文件夹。它的别名是ls. Set-Location:切换当前目录。它的别名是cd. New-Item:创建一个新的文件或文件夹。它的别名是ni. Remove-Item:删除一个文件或文件夹。它的别名是ri. ...
Windows PowerShell 3.0 包含現有 Cmdlet (包括簡化語法) 的新功能,以及下列 Cmdlet 的新參數:Computer Cmdlet、CSV Cmdlet、Get-ChildItem、Get-Command、Get-Content、Get-History、Measure-Object、Security Cmdlet、Select-Object、Select-String、Split-Path、Start-Process、Tee-Object、Test-Connection、Add-Member ...
Classes can override this method to define their own "Measure" pass behavior. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) OnApplyTemplate() Invoked whenever application code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call ApplyTemplate. In simplest terms, this means the method is called just ...
Measure(Size) 更新UIElement 的DesiredSize。 父元素从其自身的 MeasureCore(Size) 实现调用此方法以形成递归布局更新。 调用此方法构成布局更新的第一个处理过程(“测量”处理过程)。 (继承自 UIElement) MeasureCore(Size) 实现FrameworkElement 的基本度量传递布局系统行为。 (继承自 FrameworkElement) MeasureOve...