As for how to download offline maps for Google Maps PWA, it is currently still not possible to do so on the Google Maps PWA on Windows. It may be possible in the future if Google decides to add the feature in the Google Maps PWA. For now, if you need offline maps, you can try t...
246 questions with Windows Maps tags Sort by:Updated UpdatedCreatedAnswers 0 answers Distances from "calculate a route" and "calculate a distance matrix" are different in Bing Maps API I need to compute the distances of a given point with several others in their neighborhood. Initially, I used...
Yandex.Maps 10.6.0 11 ⚠️ Map doesn't work Ymusic 3.7.2 11 ✅ Yodayo 1.4.2 13 ✅ Requires GMS only when logging in using Google account. You can try logging in with e-mail instead. Yokai 1.7.12 13 ✅ YouTube (Google) 16.40.35 11 🆖 Requires GMS YouTube Music...
Google Maps API for Flash:Adobe貌似说过要为Windows Phone 7提供Flash支持,不过现在还没有实现。 Google Static Maps API:静态地图主要用于显示单张图片文件且没有提供手动位置的调整。 忐忑许久依旧不给力的慢慢道来: Google Maps JavaScript API:归根到底就是一个带JavaScript的HTML。 3、Google Maps JavaScript API...
在Google Maps标记对象上添加infoWindows 是一种在地图上显示信息窗口的方法。infoWindows是一个弹出窗口,可以显示与地图上特定标记对象相关的信息。 概念: infoWindows是Google Maps API提供的一个功能,它允许开发者在地图上的标记对象上显示自定义的信息窗口。这些信息窗口可以包含文本、图像、链接等内容,以提供更多关于...
"The Downloaded Maps Manager service hung on starting." "USER" folder - can I delete stuff? "Windows Login Reminder" asking clients to lock and unlock to update them- Windows 10 "Windows needs your current credentials [...]" pop-up still there after group policy update "Windows Search" ...
However, that doesn’t mean other developers can’t do that. A developer named Rajat Singh has released a new application for Windows 10 OS called Maps App Discovery that uses Google Maps’ API to deliver Google Maps on Windows 10 OS. ...
Yandex.Maps 10.6.0 11 ⚠️ Map doesn't work Ymusic 3.7.2 11 ✅ Yodayo (Play Store) 1.4.2 13 ✅ Requires GMS only when logging in using Google account. You can try logging in with e-mail instead. Yodayo (APK) 1.19.0 13 ✅ Requires GMS only when logging in using Goog...
-或- 在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Maps中创建名为 AllowUntriggeredNetworkTrafficOnSettingsPage 的REG_DWORD 注册表设置,值为 0(零)。16. OneDrive若要关闭组织中的 OneDrive,请执行以下操作:启用组策略:计算机配置>管理模板>Windows 组件>OneDrive>禁止使用 onedrive 进行文件存储 -或-...
2.sunmap now only support Web Mercator projection such as Google Maps,OpenStreetMaps,Bing Maps,ArcGis online,Map ABC. 3.Now,it still has a long way to go,and the project is a little disordered(main problem is about cross-platform folder)。I am afraid you can not run it on Android pla...