microsoft windows management interface for acpi是设置错误造成的,解决方法如下:1、首先在电脑上打开Windows服务工具窗口。2、然后在右侧窗口中,找到“Application Management”服务项。3、接着鼠标双击打开Application Management的属性对话框。4、然后点击对话框中的“启动”按钮。5、自动启动相应的系统服务...
The Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI component provides support for mapping between ACPI and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). This component provides the Windows Management Interface for ACPI driver in the wmiacpi.sys file, which works together with the ACPI function driver contain...
WDM是以NT驱动程序模型为基础的,它的目标不只是统一驱动程序模型,而且还制定了即插即用、电源管理与WMI(Windows Management Interface)等标准,使I/O设备更易于使用与管理。 WDM以NT驱动程序模型为基础,例如,它依然是以包驱动的,依然使用驱动程序对象与设备对象,依然使用派遣函数表。但它与NT驱动程序模型又有很大的...
安裝驅動程式時,Microsoft ACPI 一般 IPMI 相容裝置的新元件會出現在 裝置管理員 中。如果您的系統不會自動偵測 BMC 並安裝驅動程式,但在安裝程式期間偵測到 BMC,請建立 BMC 裝置。 若要建立裝置,請在命令提示字元中輸入下列命令:主控台 複製 Rundll32 ipmisetp.dll, AddTheDevice ...
從系統 BIOS 擷取HID I2C 裝置的 ACPI 來源語言 (ASL)程式代碼。 從裝置擷取 HID 描述元。 寫入HID 描述元位址 讀取HID 描述元 對裝置發出SET_POWER。 寫入SET_POWER命令 對裝置發出 RESET(主機起始重設)。 寫入RESET 命令 裝置判斷提示 GPIO 中斷
above the bus driver (PDO). For other devices described in the ACPI namespace but not on the system board, Acpi.sys creates the PDO. Acpi.sys provides power management and PnP features to the device stack with these device objects. For more information, seeDevice stacks for an ACPI device...
The responsibilities of Acpi.sys include support for power management and Plug and Play (PnP) device enumeration. On hardware platforms that have an ACPI BIOS, the HAL causes Acpi.sys to be loaded during system startup at the base of the device tree. Acpi.sys acts as the interface between...
(Windows Vista可以给ACPI C1~C3分别设置升降级阈值和检查时间间隔,到了Windows 7就简化成一组设置了) Mobile Battery Solutions Guide for Windows Vista Processor Power Management in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 处理器闲置时间检查:先从这个开始,假设在理想状态下一个线程能够完整地运行30毫秒,那么在...