I can't explain why exactly but just to be clear: the install target in a Makefile usually will install files that you already built. In your example text above, you didn't run a make command that actually builds anything (usually that's just make with no targets)....
4、cmake 3.13开始支持安装其他目录所创建的目标 According to this bugreport, install(TARGETS) command flow accepts only targets created within the same directory. Since CMake 3.13install(TARGETS)can work even with targets created in other directories. install(TARGETS) can install targets that were cre...
make时卡在了Generated_client_demarshallers.c这上面,手动执行了一下python spice_codegen.py,发现缺少pyparsing模块,继续安装: pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-python2-pyparsing 接着make,第三个错误: *** Error: missing valac! *** You must run autogen.sh or configure --enable-vala 尝试执行make clean,...
1, 在 cygwin 下创建用户(及用户组) bin, 然后再 make install。 至于如何在 cygwin 下创建用户就自己上网搜吧,不过挺麻烦的,要现在 windows 下创建,然后再运行 mkpasswd等等 2, 修改 makefile, 在你的这个软件目录下找一个叫 makefile 或者 Makefile 或 MAKEFILE 之类的东西,你应该能够...
然后演化算法MASSW使用到了这个realea的库,但是编译出现no rule to make target 'install'的错误。这个工程的组成方式如下:/masswchains_soft /masswchains /realea compile clean执行命令:cd realeacmake .make install到make install就出现了错误,错误为:no rule to make target 'install'求抱大神大腿!!! The...
1.前往CERN ROOT官网下载ROOT软件,推荐6.16以后的版本。 选择Windows版本。 https://root.cern/install/all_releases 2.安装ROOT 注意此处选择第二个选项,添加环境变量 [图片] 如果添加过程中提示: 【PATH too long installer unable to modify Path】 那么可在安装完成
1. 打开Windows终端,切换至项目所在的目录。2. 输入cmake命令并跟上你的构建目录路径,例如:"cmake .\build"。3. 运行构建命令,生成目标文件:"cmake --build .\build"。4. 确保构建完成且无错误信息后,执行cmake --install命令,添加所需的配置选项。例如,使用debug配置:"cmake --install...