boolresult = co_await Windows::System::Launcher::LaunchUriAsync(Windows::Foundation::Uri(L"ms-settings:privacy-webcam")); The code above launches the privacy settings page for the camera: For more info about launching URIs, seeLaunch the default app for a URI. ...
boolresult = co_await Windows::System::Launcher::LaunchUriAsync(Windows::Foundation::Uri(L"ms-settings:privacy-webcam")); The code above launches the privacy settings page for the camera: For more info about launching URIs, seeLaunch the default app for a URI. ...
Try these steps to resolve mail sync issues: test Make sure that Windows 10 is up-to-date (Start>Settings>Update & security>Check for updates). Select theSyncbutton in the Mail app (at the top of your message list) to force the app to sync. ...
Try these steps to resolve mail sync issues: test Make sure that Windows 10 is up-to-date (Start>Settings>Update & security>Check for updates). Select theSyncbutton in the Mail app (at the top of your message list) to force the app to sync. ...
boolresult = co_await Windows::System::Launcher::LaunchUriAsync(Windows::Foundation::Uri(L"ms-settings:privacy-webcam")); The code above launches the privacy settings page for the camera: For more info about launching URIs, seeLaunch the default app for a URI. ...
>So are you saying under Start > Settings > Apps, find Mail and Calendar in the list on the right click it to select it then Advanced settings and Reset. Is >greyed out?This option isn't grayed out; although I don't want to reset the Mail App I strictly want to fix what is ...
Hi all, We use Outlook in our organization and we want to deny the ability to add accounts to the windows 10 mail, contact and calendar apps. I tried turning off the apps from policy, and it didn't work. I need this because the mail app is changing the default settings in the compu...
1. OpenMicrosoft mailby clicking theStartbutton (the one that looks like a window) then clickingMail. 2. When Microsoft mail opens, choose theSettingsicon (which looks like a gear) from the menu at the bottom of the app. 3. A menu will pop up on the right side of the screen. From...
在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Mail 中创建名为 ManualLaunchAllowed 的REG_DWORD 注册表设置,其值为0(零)。12. Microsoft 帐户使用以下设置阻止与 Microsoft 帐户云身份验证服务的通信。 依靠 Microsoft 帐户身份验证的许多应用和系统组件可能会失去功能。 其中一些组件...
我们还建议添加一个指向 Windows 设置应用的“颜色”页面的超链接,用户可以访问和修改当前的默认应用模式。 对于超链接文本,请使用字符串“Windows 颜色设置”,对 URI 则使用ms-settings:colors。 “关于”部分和“反馈”按钮 我们建议将“关于此应用”部分放在你的应用中作为专用页面或放在其自己的部分中。 如果你需...