下载地址如下:Technitium MAC Address Changer 软件安装成功后,界面如下所示:具体使用步骤如下:1. 从软件界面的列表中,选择需要修改MAC地址的网络适配器。2. 在中间蓝色区域的"Change MAC Address"下方,输入目标MAC地址。3. 点击左侧底部的"Change Now!"按钮,即可完成MAC地址的修改。特别注意事项:...
软件下载地址:Technitium MAC Address Changer 安装后界面如下: 使用步骤: 1、列表中选择需要修改mac地址的网卡 2、中间蓝色区域Change MAC Address下方输入目标mac地址; 3、点击左侧底部Change Now!按钮 特别说明: 1、如果想随机mac地址,可以点击mac地址输入框右侧的Randon MAC Address按钮; 2、如果想撤回修改mac地址...
381 2 4:39 App 利用wifi从ios、mac访问windows文件的正确方法 62 1 10:19 App [翻]Hack Hotel, Airplane Coffee Shop Hotspots for Free Wi-Fi with MAC Spoofing 10 -- 16:57 App 028 Coding MAC address changer 1338 -- 0:15 App 简单几行代码,教你轻松查看邻居家WiFi密码 3004 -- 0:22 ...
Bluetooth MAC Address Changer for Windows is a freeware tool which allows you to change the bluetooth MAC address of your adapter. Bluetooth MAC address is also known as "Bluetooth Address", "BD_ADDR", "Bluetooth hardware id"
MAC地址修改器(绿色版) 适用:任何网卡、XP系统. 可改回原地址 上传者:sambast时间:2010-04-28 win7 mac地址修改工具_win7网卡mac地址修改器 Win7 MAC Address Changer 1.9 汉化版 Win7 MAC Address changer是一个免费的网卡Mac修改器。 上传者:werty256时间:2012-07-26...
This should reflect the new MAC-Address on your NIC. Should you choose to go back to the original manufacturer set MAC-Address simply delete the key you just created/modified in the Windows Registry. You can also use a tool likeTechnitium MAC Address Changerto change the MAC-Address of your...
MAC Changer V2 is a Python script designed to easily change the MAC address of network interfaces on both Windows and Linux systems. This tool is useful for enhancing network security, testing, and maintaining privacy by allowing users to modify the hard
Bluetooth Device Address (or BD_ADDR) is a unique 48-bit identifier assigned to each Bluetooth device by the manufacturer. Bluetooth Address is usually displayed as 6 bytes written in hexadecimal and separated by colons (example - 00:11:22:33:FF:EE). The
Excire Foto Light emerges as a game-changer, offering not only a powerful image organizer but also a unique opportunity with its Free Image Organizer Giveaway. Let’s delve into the features and benefits that make Excire Foto Light … Read moreCategories Free, Giveaway, Mac, Windows 10, ...
3、在Windows PowerShell窗口中输入"getmac",按下回车键,即可查看电脑的MAC地址。MAC地址在"物理地址"一列中显示。 内容延伸: 1、除了以上三种方法,还可以使用第三方软件查看MAC地址,如"MAC Address Scanner"、"Free MAC Address Changer"等。这些软件提供了更加直观和便捷的界面,适合不熟悉命令行操作的用户。