Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert) Paste the selected item. Ctrl + Z Undo an action. Alt + Tab Switch between open apps. Alt + F4 Close the active item, or exit the active app. Windows logo key + L Lock your PC. Windows logo key + D Display and hide the desktop. F2 Rename the ...
Show all Copy, paste, and other general keyboard shortcuts Windows logo key keyboard shortcuts Command Prompt keyboard shortcuts Dialog box keyboard shortcuts File Explorer keyboard shortcuts Virtual ...
Win + 数字:让位于任务栏指定地位(按下的数字作为序号,不是小键盘上的数字)的程序,新开一个实例。 Shift + Windows logo key +number:Start a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number(相当于alt+tab和win+t)ALT +Win + 数字:让位于任务栏指定...
Windows logo key+Shift+Tab Cycles through Windows apps in reverse order Windows logo key+Ctrl+Tab Cycles through Windows apps and snaps them as they are cycled Windows logo key+Z Opens app bar Use keyboard shortcuts in a Remote Desktop session ...
快捷键:Windows logo key+shift+S Windows自带截屏功能,可以手动调整截取的内容,也可以截取全屏幕。 Shortcut key: Windows logo key+shift+s Windows comes with a screenshot functionality that allows you to manually adjust what you capture, or you can capture...
Windows logo key + R Opens the Run command Windows logo key + S Opens Search Windows logo key + E Opens File Explorer Alt + Tab Opens Task Switcher, moving forward with each press of Tab, switching to that window on release Shift + Alt + Tab Opens Task Switcher, moving backward...
Win + 数字:让位于任务栏指定位置(按下的数字作为序号)的程序,新开一个实例。(感觉这个比较新颖,貌似快速启动。) Shift + Windows logo key +number:Start a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number ...
按左Alt+左 Shift+Num Lock 启用或关闭鼠标键 按Shift 五次 启用或关闭粘滞键 按住Num Lock 五秒钟 启用或关闭切换键 Windows 徽标键 + U 打开轻松访问中心 2. 常规键盘快捷方式↖ 下表包含了常规键盘快捷方式。 按键 功能 F1 显示帮助 Ctrl+C 复制选择的项目 ...
將OEM 標誌複製到資料夾,例如: C:\mount\windows\Windows\system32\OEM\FabrikamLogo.bmp。 您稍後會在 OEM 資訊中的 自動檔案中參考此檔案位置 |Logo 屬性。 若要顯示 OEM 特定的桌面背景圖片,圖像檔必須放在 %windir%\system32\OEM*Fabrikam.bmp* 目錄中。 確認回應檔案中的路徑與 oobeSy...