在桌面空白处点鼠标右键,选择菜单中的“新建→快捷方式”,弹出对话框,在“请键入项目的位置”处输入以下内容(不含引号):“%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation”点“下一步”,然后再输入你想要的名称,在这里就用的“快速锁定计算机”,最后点“完成”即可。6. 锁定wind...
Esc 键:escape,退出键。 Tab 键:tabulator key,跳格键,在文本编辑软件中增加四个空格,Windows中可用于切换屏幕上的焦点。 Ctrl 键:control,控制键。 Shift 键:上档键。 Alt 键:换档键。 Caps Lock 键:大写锁定键,用于切换系统大写锁定。 Windows 键:键盘上画着一个Windows视窗图标的键。按这个键可以打开开始...
WinAppleKeycreates the following key mappings: Input Key(s)Output Key LCtrlFn FnLeft Ctrl ⏏︎ EjectDel ⌘ CmdAlt ⌥ AltCmd Fn+[F1]...[F12][F13]...[F24] Fn+LCtrlRight Ctrl Fn+ReturnInsert Fn+PPrint Screen Fn+SScroll Lock ...
// Declare related members winrt::DispatcherQueueController _queueController; winrt::DispatcherQueue _queue; winrt::SystemButtonEventController _controller; winrt::event_token _fnKeyDownToken; winrt::event_token _fnKeyUpToken; winrt::event_token _fnLockToken; 我們還為 SystemFunctionLockIndicator...
取得SystemFunctionLockIndicatorChanged事件的Fn硬體系統按鈕鎖定指示器狀態。 C# publicboolIsIndicatorOn {get; } 屬性值 Boolean 如果指標開啟,則為 True。 否則為 false。 備註 此API 適用于協助工具工具作為從硬體系統按鈕攔截事件的低階勾點。 SystemButtonEventController事件註冊會套用整個系統...
TheFn(function) key cannot be remapped (in most cases). TheF1~F12(andF13~F24) keys can be mapped. Pausewill only send a single key-down event. So mapping it against the backspace key, for instance, and pressing and holding will only delete a single character. ...
MmLockPagableSectionByHandle 函数 MmMapViewInSystemSpace 函数 MmSecureVirtualMemory 函数 MmSecureVirtualMemoryEx 函数 MmUnmapViewInSystemSpace 函数 MmUnsecureVirtualMemory 函数 NtOpenProcess 函数 OPLOCK_KEY_CONTEXT 结构 PCI_BUS_WIDTH 枚举 PCI_DEVICE_D3COLD_STATE_REASON 枚举 PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_CONTROL 枚举...
A: Whenever you press a key on your keyboard, it sends a binary code to the keyboard controller in you PC. That code is passed on into Windows (in most cases) and Windows interprets it as "they pressed code 0x3A so that's Caps Lock - turn that on!" What modern versions of Window...
Fn + B: This key combination has the same function as the Break key on a conventional external keyboard. Fn + K: This key combination has the same function as the ScrLK or Scroll Lock key on a conventional external keyboard. Fn + P: This key combination has the same function as the ...