Win32_InstalledSoftwareElement Identifies the computer system on which a particular software element is installed. Win32_LaunchCondition Contains a list of conditions, all of which must be satisfied for the action to succeed. Win32_ManagedSystemElementResource Relates an Installer feature with an actio...
Win32_InstalledSoftwareElementIdentifies the computer system on which a particular software element is installed. Win32_LaunchConditionContains a list of conditions, all of which must be satisfied for the action to succeed. Win32_ManagedSystemElementResourceRelates an Installer feature with an action us...
Win32_InstalledSoftwareElementIdentifies the computer system on which a particular software element is installed. Win32_LaunchConditionContains a list of conditions, all of which must be satisfied for the action to succeed. Win32_ManagedSystemElementResourceRelates an Installer feature with an action us...
desktop3:PropertyList 包含位於檔案的 [屬性] 索引標籤底下的屬性。 desktop3:PropertyLists 包含要顯示在檔案之 [屬性] 索引標籤下的屬性清單。 desktop3:ThumbnailProviderHandler 註冊雲端型佔位符檔案的 Windows Shell ThumbnailProviderHandler。 desktop3:Verb 指定雲端型佔位元檔案之 [檔案總管] 操作...
Win32_InstalledSoftwareElement Identifies the computer system on which a particular software element is installed. Win32_LaunchCondition Contains a list of conditions, all of which must be satisfied for the action to succeed. Win32_ManagedSystemElementResource Relates an Installer feature with an actio...
Win32_InstalledSoftwareElementIdentifies the computer system on which a particular software element is installed. Win32_LaunchConditionContains a list of conditions, all of which must be satisfied for the action to succeed. Win32_ManagedSystemElementResourceRelates an Installer feature with an action us...
Record installed program list Save browser bookmarks and extensions Document network settings and WiFi passwords List regularly used applications and their settings Hardware Preparation Prepare your device physically: Ensure sufficient battery life or connect to power ...
ENCRYPTION_EXCLUSION_FILE_LIST 0x80080216encryptionExclusionFileList 文件无效。 应用程序未启动,其名称灰显 在运行 Windows 10 或更高版本的计算机上,无法启动某些应用程序,并且应用程序名称显示为灰色。 尝试通过选择灰色名称打开应用程序时,可能会收到以下错误消息之一: ...
ENCRYPTION_EXCLUSION_FILE_LIST 0x80080216encryptionExclusionFileList 文件无效。 应用程序未启动,其名称灰显 在运行 Windows 10 或更高版本的计算机上,无法启动某些应用程序,并且应用程序名称显示为灰色。 尝试通过选择灰色名称打开应用程序时,可能会收到以下错误消息之一: ...
Users<userName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER - Special Permissions (List folder/read data, and Create Folders/Append Data) Determine if registry permissions have changed Check the registry keys listed below. Make sure the All Applications Packages group has the Read permissi...