如果我们想从列表中删除当前已经被扫描完的目录(磁盘分区或文件夹),并重新选择别的目录进行扫描的话,鼠标右键点击当前目录后,选择【Remove From List】就可以了: 点击【File】,选择【Options】可进入它的设置。在设置中我们可以自定义它的进程优先级、导出选项等等: 如果大家在使用电脑的过程中遇到了磁盘空间莫名其妙...
windows Folder Size 显示文件夹目录大小 Folder Size 软件免费且可轻松下载。在 PC 文件夹大小中安装后,在 Windows 文件资源管理器中添加一个新列。此列显示每个文件和文件夹的大小。由于以下事实,人们喜欢文件夹大小: • 当文件夹发生变化时,它会自动更新文件夹的大小。 • 不需要使用其他应用...
并且,当你在资源管理器中切换文件夹时,Folder Size 也会跟着变化,甚至你可以直接在其中点击文件夹打开,不过不能点击文件。 右键在系统托盘的Folder Size 小图标,可以设置是否自动显示弹窗,还是在需要的时候左键点击一下小图标再显示。 最后,这货大概率是不会更新了,其官网托管在 SourceForge,也是好多年不更新,不过...
Folder Size for Windows是一个免费的软件,可以让windows自带的资源管理器能够查看文件夹的大小(相信许多人都希望微软把这个作为一个原生功能集成到资源管理器中),感谢聪明的开发者,我们现在无需微软的帮助和等待,就可以利用Folder Size for Windows填补这个空白和实现我们的愿望。
Before you go, don’t miss our guide on how tosort files by size in Windows 11, since it might come in handy to you. Do you know any other method to check the folder size? Don’t hesitate to mention it in the comments section below. We will add it to the list....
Select the drive you want to scan and then click on the “Scan Selected Drive” button in the toolbar above the drive list. GetFolderSize will take a couple of minutes to complete the scan depending on the size of the disk. After the scan is complete, all the folders of the drive wi...
Why Windows Explorer Does Not List Folder Sizes?While it may look very strange and unpractical, there are many reasons for that. First of all, that information is not contained in the file system. Unlike the files that have a size property, the size of the folder is not important for ...
The disk space consumed by every single folder will be displayed there. Look for the folder you want to check the size of, from the list. Hopefully, know you know to check the disk space usage in a folder. Read:How to sort Folders by Size or Month in Windows ...
Method 1: Hover the Mouse Pointer over the Folder By far, the easiest way to show the folder size on Windows is to hover the mouse pointer over the folder in the File Manager app. This will show the date created, time, folder size, and contents. ...
VirtualListSize 取得或設定在虛擬模式下,包含於清單中的 ListViewItem 物件數目。 VirtualMode 取得或設定值,指出您是否已經為 ListView 控制項提供您自己的資料管理作業。 Visible 取得或設定值,這個值指出是否顯示控制項及其所有子控制項。 (繼承來源 Control) Width 取得或設定控制項的寬度。 (繼承來源 Cont...