2. 使用键盘快捷键 (Using Keyboard Shortcuts) 除了使用鼠标,键盘快捷键也是关闭窗口的有效方式。在大多数操作系统中,按下“Alt + F4”可以关闭当前活动窗口。在Mac系统中,可以使用“Command + W”来关闭窗口。 3. 任务管理器关闭应用程序 (Using Task Manager to Close Applications) 如果某个应用程序无响应,用...
Command name: quitDefault ID:JSON Copy { "command": "quit", "id": "Terminal.Quit" } Close windowThis closes the current window and all tabs within it. If confirmCloseAllTabs is set to true, a confirmation dialog will appear to ensure you'd like to close all your tabs. More ...
要知道,同样是一台搭载 Windows 10的电脑,使用不同的模式,也会有截然不同的使用体验!
对于追求效率的用户来说,使用快捷键无疑是最快捷的方式。在Windows系统中,只需按下“Windows键+R”组合键,即可弹出“运行”对话框。在对话框中输入“osk”(即On-Screen Keyboard的缩写),然后按下回车键,虚拟键盘就会立刻出现在屏幕上。这种方法简单快捷,特别适合需要频繁使用虚拟键盘的用户。通过任务栏设置调...
關閉文件視窗 Ctrl+F4 Window.CloseDocumentWindow 關閉工具視窗 Shift+Esc Window.CloseToolWindow 保持索引標籤開啟 Ctrl+Alt+Home Window.KeepTabOpen 移至導覽列 Ctrl+F2 Window.MovetoNavigationBar 下一個文檔視窗 Ctrl+F6 Window.NextDocumentWindow 下一個文件視窗導覽 Ctrl+Tab Window.NextDocument...
The corresponding window can also be opened directly from the Run dialog (press the Windows key and 'R' on your keyboard) using the command "timedate.cpl" Once there, select the ‘Date and Time’ tab and click the 'Change time zone...' button where you can make the change. Next ...
Windows key + Left arrow key Snap app or window left. Windows key + Right arrow key Snap app or window right. Desktop shortcuts On Windows 10, you can use these keyboard shortcuts to open, close, navigate, and perform tasks more quickly throughout the desktop experience, including the Sta...
1.Close all the running applications and navigate to your desktop. 2.On your desktop,press Alt + F4 keyson your keyboard, a shutdown window will appear. 3.Click on thedrop-down menu buttonand selectshut down option. 4.Click on theOKbutton or pressenteron the keyboard and your computer ...
Type –appwiz.cplin the command box. Click –OKbutton. When Programs and Features show up in a separate window, click –View installed updatesfrom the left sidebar. Move down to theMicrosoft Windowssection. Right-click on the KB version your system has received lately. ...
windows键盘操作(Windows keyboard operation) Alt+ space +N minimizes the current window Alt+ space +R restore minimize window Windows+M: minimize all windows Windows+Shift+M: restore minimized window ALT+F4 shutdown program Round and round ALT+F4 can Besides, here are some more for your referen...