If the first key that is pressed is not ctrl, shift, fn, alt, the key will rapidly repeat until another key is pressed, if he first pressed key IS one of those, the keypress will simply not register. This has become very annoying with the delete, backspace, space, and return keys....
Lock modifier key when pressed twice in a row: This is the most useful option. By default, it is turned on. When this feature is enabled you can carry out manycopy pasteworks. Just press Ctrl key twice and then use “C” or “V” keys the number of times to copy or paste a numb...
Periodically, the RDP 6.0 client seems to think that the Windows key is being pressed (outside of the RDP, it is not; rebooting the host doesn't fix). At least one other person has experienced this: MS Terminal Services blog. As noted there, pressing the Windows key a few times fixes...
Close console app if ESC is pressed Close or hide a form from another form, C# Close program with key esc Closing a command prompt window using C# closing a file handle after a File.Copy closing Login form after a successful Login in C# form closing the Binary Writerwill close the underly...
‘how to get help in Windows‘ using Bing. While this is smart, it seems to be a major cause of annoyance. Many users have reported this happening randomly, even if the key is not pressed. In this guide, we tell you what you need to do ifHow to get help in Windows is ...
(); // // Position this visual randomly within our window // visual.Offset = new Vector2((float)(_random.NextDouble() * 400), (float)(_random.NextDouble() * 400)); // // The outer rectangle is always white // visual.Brush = _compositor.CreateColorBrush( Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x...
Some users put the PC in sleep mode and forget about it. When they come around it, and if accidentally a key is pressed, or the Bluetooth mouse moves a bit, the PC turns on. This is normal behavior, and we would not recommend disabling this feature; else you will have to press the...
I am suspecting a key on the keyboard is getting pressed, because pulling open the laptop slightly and pressing a key with my fingers would also wake the laptop - and so would just tapping on the touchpad. This is really annoying because the laptop wakes up from the slightest disturbance ...
Scenario 2: The computer restarts because you pressed and held the power button Scenario 3: The computer is unresponsive or randomly restarts, and Event ID 41 isn't logged or the Event ID 41 entry lists error code values of zero Scenario 1: The computer restarts because of a Stop error, ...
Run a "monkey keyboard stress test" pressing left and right Shift, Alt, Windows, Ctrl buttons with some keys that produce text - completely randomly and often pressing multiple buttons at a time. Expected results: Application doesn't crash Actual results: Application crashes Running WinDbg, the ...