After inserting registry key DefaultUserName and DefaultPassword, windows 10 cannot auto logon. error "there is no logon server availbal" After recent Windows 10 update, the loopback adapter doesn't show in the "Network connections" list and I cannot use the old name with newly created loop...
SystemMemory 此设备上存在的此类型的对象总数。 SystemProcessorCompareExchange 此设备上存在的此类型的对象总数。 SystemProcessorLahfSahf 此设备上存在的此类型的对象总数。 SystemProcessorNx 此设备上存在的此类型的对象总数。 SystemProcessorPrefetchW 此设备上存在的此类型的对象总数。 SystemProcessorSse2 此设备上存在...
例如,软件可以使用 WriteProcessMemory API 将代码注入资源管理器,并使用 CreateRemoteThread API 来执行该代码,这种技术称为 DLL 注入。由于代码在资源管理器(一种 Windows 可执行文件)中执行,因此它可以利用自动提升的 COM 对象(比如“复制”/“移动”/“重命名”/“删除”/“链接”对象)来修改系统注册表项或目录...
This is especially useful for monitoring memory usage, and improving game performance. The Windows Performance Toolkit is included in the Windows SDK and Windows ADK. This toolkit consists of two independent tools: Windows Performance Recorder (WPR) and Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA). ProcDump, ...
{"InstalledPackages": [ { "Name": string, "PackageFamilyName": string, "PackageFullName": string, "PackageOrigin": int, ( "PackageRelativeId": string, "Publisher": string, "Version": { "Build": int, "Major"...
PID or publisher name. The filter algorithm matches the context keyword with all possible matches and displays them on the current page. The filter is also applied as you switch between pages. You can also use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F to focus on the filter box. This is a helpful ...
• LocalService LocalService is used for running services that need fewer privileges and logon rights on a local system. By default, services that run under this account are granted the right Log On As A Service and the privileges Adjust Memory Quotas For A Process, Change The System Time...
It worries me these ports is opened and attached to these because of some malware or hack that exploit these ports. i need higher and safer ports to be opened and used for my firefox etc instead not these low numbered (specific) ports. These things happen even if my FRST scan and all...
Malware depends on its ability to put a malicious payload into memory with the hope that it will be executed later, and ASLR is going to make that much more difficult. Wouldn’t it be great if we could make sure that malware could be prevented from running if it writes to an area ...
Malware depends on its ability to put a malicious payload into memory with the hope that it will be executed later, and ASLR is going to make that much more difficult. Wouldn’t it be great if we could make sure that malware could be prevented from running if it writes to an area ...