Windows10安装CAD2014出现wIndowsInstaller对话框,框中内容是:ThefeatureyouaretryingtouseisonaCD-ROMorotherremovablediskthatisnotavailableInsertthe'AutodeskMaterialLibrary20... Windows 10安装CAD2014出现wIndows Installer对话框,框中内容是: The feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable ...
首先看你在安装的是CAD本体软件还是附加功能,如果是附加功能你可以不安装该功能,如果在安装本体软件或必要服务时候出现这个提示那你就只能再找一个安装包了 最后翻译一下错误报告:你正在尝试使用的功能被安装在一张没有被插入的光盘或无法读取的硬盘上,插入CAD2014安装盘并按OK以继续。
Windows 10 Enterprise evaluation Upgrade from 2.5.0beta1 to 2.5.1rc2 aborts with an error message saying "The feature you are trying to use is in a network resource that is unavailable" The screenshot shows the additional window that ope...
右键计算机,点击“管理”,然后再点击“服务和应用程序”,再双击“服务”,在里面找到windows installer,然后右键属性,把启动类型设为“禁用”,同时把服务状态设为“停止”我的是win7系统的,希望对你有帮助
CorelDRAW 安装卡白/不显示字体/只有框CorelDRAW会封禁用户序列号吗CorelDRAW安装提示:Error 1722.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.CorelDRAW安装提示:Error 1406CorelDRAW安装提示:安装未完成 您的系统尚未修改。如果另寻时间完成安装,请重新运行此安装程序。处理证书时,出现了一个未知错误。
DeferFeatureUpdates- 选择预览版和功能更新的接收时间。 禁用双重扫描- 不允许更新延迟策略导致运行 Windows 更新扫描。 监视和报告: 在监视加速更新的结果和更新状态之前,Intune租户必须启用数据收集。 已加入工作区的设备的限制 Windows 10的质量更新和更高版本的Intune策略要求使用 Windows 更新 for Business (WUfB)...
1、双击注册installer_un.reg(installer_ur.reg的内容是:)REGEDIT4 [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSIServer]2、右键安装installer_un.inf(installer_un.inf的内容是:);unmsi.inf ;;;[Version]signature = "$Windows NT$"Class = %ExceptionClassDesc ClassGUID = {F...
When you are trying to upgrade to Windows 11 but the installation process gets stuck, don't worry. You can find effective solutions to fixWindows 11 installation stuckat 35%, 85%, 100%. 2. How to Fix Windows 11 Black Screen of Death?
Select Windows Wi-Fi profiles to assign them to this group.A list of Wi-Fi profiles that you've created appear within this section, and are ready to assign. Details visible include theProfile name,Network name (SSID),Security type, andDescription. ...
As the different support for Windows 11 in computer hardware, the descriptions of the "This PC can't run Windows 11" error may be different. Here is a list of all error messages that popped up by PC Health Check, and if you are one of them, follow the respective solution to fix it...