依存: Remote Procedure Call (RPC) 建议: Disable Routing and Remote Access (路由和远程访问) 微软: 提供连到局域网络及广域网络的公司的路由服务。 补充: 如上说的,提供拨号联机到区网或是 VPN 服务,一般用户用不到 依存: Remote Procedure Call (RPC)、NetBIOSGroup 建议: 已停用 Secondary Logon 微软: ...
其中,Enable的命令格式为“enable [service_name] [startup_type]”;Disable的命令格式为“disable [service_name]”。在这里,[service_name]是希望启用/禁用的服务或设备名称,[startup_type]则是启动的类型,表示了不同的启动类型。可用的类型包括有Service_disabled、Service_boot_start、Service_system_start、Servi...
依存: Alerter、Background Intelligent Transfer Service、Computer Browser、Messenger、Net Logon、Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator 建议: 自动 application layer gateway service 为internet连接共享和internet连接防火墙提供第三方协议插件的支持如果你没启用internet连接共享或windows xp内置防火墙,可以禁止这个服务。 a...
http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/5/8/1059086/k4me_file_list.rar (简单的内容,不过可以避免出错时不能继续完成任务)关掉它,这样做.右键点我的电脑---管理---服务-服务--Indexing Service,启动类型改为禁用. 确定退出.--- Readyboost是用存储卡(U盘,"电子硬盘")提高开机时的速度,原理是,磁...
Note: If the service status is running, you can stop it first and clickStartto restart it. Restart your computer completely and check if the problem that the search indexer stops working has been solved. Fix 3: Disable Cortana As examined by some users, disablingCortanamay be a useful fix...
Search/DisableBackoff CSP 卸除式磁碟驅動器索引: [封鎖 ] 可防止將卸載式磁碟驅動器上的位置新增至連結庫,也無法編製索引。 當設為 [未設定] (預設) 時,Intune 不會變更或更新此設定。 根據預設,OS 可能會允許這項功能。 Search/DisableRemovableDriveIndexing CSP 低磁碟空間編製索引: 啟用 允許自動編製索引,...
To see what programs run at startup and disable any, follow these instructions:Press and hold or right-click in the blank area on Taskbar and select Task Manager. Tap or select More details in the lower-left corner of Task Manager. Under the Startup tab in Task Manager, you can view ...
how to disable update orchestrator service How to disable USB storage devices in Non Administrator accounts in Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB? how to disable Windows 10 2004 S0 Low Power Idle "Modern Standby" to enable S3? how to disable Windows 10 recovery boot option How to disable windows...
Privacy fears might be one reason why people disable indexing service. There are even some privacy tutorials that mentions this. Of course you use need to use something like Eraser to securely wipe files. But is file entry removed from index once you hit delete? Index, word has a bad reput...
Is this a service I should disable? The image was Windows 10 multi session host, 2004 virtualmanc Hi Neil - I'm seeing conflicting messages about this which has confused me, there are quite a few articles relating to search in multi-user contexts - this one is ve...