New-WindowsImage -ImagePath <String> -CapturePath <String> [-CompressionType <String>] [-ConfigFilePath <String>] [-Description <String>] -Name <String> [-CheckIntegrity] [-NoRpFix] [-Setbootable] [-Verify] [-WIMBoot] [-SupportEa] [-LogPath <String>] [-ScratchDirectory <String>] [...
简单来说就是当目标程序被映像劫持时,当我们启动目标程序时,启动的是劫持后的程序而不是原来的程序 操作也很简单,在注册表的HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Option下添加一个项sethc.exe,然后在sethc.exe这个项中添加debugger键,键值为我们恶意程序的路径,如下...
在注册表中,在 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options 键下使用桌面应用可执行文件的名称创建一个子项。 在此子项下,添加以下值: AppExecutionAliasRedirect (DWORD):如果设置为 1,系统将检查与可执行文件同名的 AppExecutionAlias 包扩展。 如果已启用 App...
WIM Header—Defines the content of the .wim file, including memory location of key resources (metadata resource, lookup table, XML data), and various .wim file attributes (version, size, compression type). File Resources—A series of packages that contain captured data, such as source files....
15. 定义 DRIVER_MAP_DRIVER_TYPE_ARMNT 0x400000。 16. 定义 DRIVER_MAP_DRIVER_IS_TIME_STAMPED 0x800000。 DriverVersion 驱动程序文件的版本。 ImageSize 驱动程序文件的大小。 Inf INF 文件的名称。 InventoryVersion 生成事件的清单文件的版本。 Product 驱动程序文件内包含的产品名称。 ProductVersion 驱动...
通过ProcessInformationClass参数可以查找进程的不同信息,包括PEB信息、WOW64信息、子系统信息、imageFileName映像文件名信息等。 NTSYSCALLAPINTSTATUSNTAPINtQueryInformationProcess(_In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle,_In_ PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessInformationClass,_Out_writes_bytes_(ProcessInformationLength) PVOID ProcessInformat...
Export-WindowsImage-SourceImagePath"<Boot_image_path>\<boot_image>.wim"-SourceIndex1-DestinationImagePath"<Boot_image_path>\<boot_image>-export.wim"-CompressionTypemax-Verbose 示例: PowerShell Export-WindowsImage-SourceImagePath"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit...
此错误检查是由驱动程序在升级期间挂起引起的,导致 NDIS.sys中出现错误检查 D1,这是一个 Microsoft 驱动程序。 IMAGE_NAME 会告诉你存在故障的驱动程序,但由于此驱动程序是 Microsoft 驱动程序,因此无法替换或删除。 解决方法是在设备管理器中禁用网络设备,然后再次尝试升级...
Fortunately, there is a freeware tool called ImgBurn that is used to create ISO image files, burn ISO to a blank CD or DVD and also to create IMG drive image file type. Here is how we can create a drive/disk image file with the IMG file extension: ...
Customizing this association between the document type and the applications installed on your computer is what this section is about. The default action—the action that is carried out when a file of a given type is double-clicked—appears in bold text in the context menu. If a file type ...