Includes Windows PowerShell 3.0, WMI, WinRM, Management OData IIS Extension, and Server Manager CIM Provider
Download Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager for Windows XP latest version for Windows free. Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager for Windows XP latest update: February 8, 2017
the first time all the UI extensibility is enabled for these platforms making it possible to build your own UI modules, install them in the server and have the clients that connect to your server automatically download the new functionali...
Microsoft Application Request Routing 3.0 (x64) Microsoft Application Request Routing (ARR) 3 for IIS is a proxy based routing module that forwards HTTP requests to application servers based on HTTP headers and server variables, and load balance algorithms....
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前言: 对于.NET开发者而已,IIS Web托管服务器应该是十分的熟悉的。...对于刚安装Windows10的系统的用户而已Internet Information Services(IIS)功能是默认关闭的需要我们自己手动去开启,本篇博客主要介绍的是如何开启IIS功能,并托管.NET...IIS介绍: In...
You can use the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager snap-in to configure the ports that are used by this service. If the administrative website is enabled, a virtual website is created that uses HTTP traffic on TCP port 8098.System service name: W3SVC...
IIS Digest AuthenticationWe recommend that users use alternative authentication methods.1709 RSA/AES Encryption for IISWe recommend that users use CNG encryption provider.1709 Screen saver functionality in ThemesDisabled in Themes. Screen saver functionality in Group Policies, Control Panel, and Sysprep co...
1.通过远程管理运行IIS Manager并选择选项Connect to a Site… 2.在Server Name中,键入您的网站的SCMURL。SCM URL(也称为KUDU网站URL)与您网站的URL相似,但是在您的网站URL中,.SCM需放在网站名称之后。例如,如果您的网站名称为Contoso,您的Azure网站URL为,那么您的SCM网址将为contoso.scm...
1. 打开IIS Manager. 2. 定位Web Sites 节点. 3. 创建一个叫做MySite的新web站点,或者使用一个已经创建的站点。 4. 创建一个站点所有者账号叫做MySiteUser的新web站点,或者使用一个已经创建的站点。 net user MySiteUser PasswordHere /add 5. 选择叫做MySite的web站点。 6. 在Features View中,双击IIS Man...