通用语法if[not]ERRORLEVEL <number> [else <expression>]前一个指令的返回值判断, 大于等于则为true。 number>=%ERRORLEVEL%if[not]<string1>==<string2>[else<expression>] 字符串相等或不等判断if[not]exist <filename> [else <expression>]文件存在与否判断,文件名或文件都可,即路径存在。setlocalEnable...
if not exist ./test.bat echo test.bat is not exist! if exist ./temp.bat call temp.bat pause 执行结果: test.bat is not exist! 这是一个临时的测试批处理 请按任意键继续. . . 2、判断数值或者字符串相等 IF [/I] string1 compare-op string2 command /I 开关(如果指定)说明要进行的字符串...
2) if exist 语法: if [not] exist [路径\]文件名 待执行的命令 如果有指定的文件,则条件成立,运行命令,否则运行下一句。 Sample: if exist config.sys edit config.sys (表示如果存在这文件,则编辑它,用很难看的系统编辑器) Sample: if exist config.sys type config.sys (表示如果存在这文件,则显示它...
1.1 IF [NOT] string1==string2 do command 注意是 string, 同时要保持string1 和string2 的格式相同 如: [python] if "%1"=="a" format a: if {%1}=={} goto noparms if {%2}=={} goto noparms 1.2 IF [NOT] EXIST filename do command 如果有指定的文件,则条件成立,运行命令,否则运行下...
if NOT existsFile(saveLocation) startExtProc(To_Str("cmd.exe /C mkdir \"", saveLocation, "\""), false, true) end JamesM Expand Post LikeReply EMM0 8 years ago Hi James, I actually didn't get a pop-up when I ran that code, but it's good to know that there is another way ...
IF[NOT]ERRORLEVELnumber command1ELSEcommand2IF[NOT]string1==string2 commandELSEcommand2IF[NOT]EXISTfilename commandELSEcommand2 参数说明: 代码语言:javascript 复制 NOT# 指定只有条件为false的情况下,Windows 才应该执行该命令ERRORLEVELnumber # 如果最后运行的程序返回一个等于或大于指定数字的退出代码,指定条件...
Active Directory problem: Check if a user exists in C#? Active Directory User does not assign User logon name and User Principal Name AD LDS cannot ChangePassword, but it can SetPassword Add <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> to my xml response Add a Constrai...
Verify your URL and try again","pageNotFound.title":"Access Denied","pageNotFound.message":"You do not have access to this area of the community or it doesn't exist","eventAttending.title":"Responded as Attending","eventAttending.message":"You'll be notified when there's new activity and...
== E_INVALIDARG || errorCode == WS_E_INVALID_OPERATION) { // Correct use of the APIs should never generate these errors wprintf(L"The error was due to an invalid use of an API. This is likely due to a bug in the program.\n"); DebugBreak(); } HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (error...
How to find out if a user installed a Store app? How to fix "you must ask an adult for permission to use Powershell" ? How to fix bootrec /fixboot and bootrec /rebuildbcd each displaying Element not found How to fix invisible text on menus and buttons in Windows 10? How to fix: ...