If User Account Control appears, please click Yes. Then, please navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Control Panel - Desktop - WindowMetrics, then double-click on each of the IconSpacing (horizontal icon spacing) and IconVerticalSpacing (vertical icon spa...
本文會顯示不同的方法,讓任何使用者都能視需要輕鬆變更桌面圖示的大小和間距。 解決方案 若要調整圖示之間的間距,請遵循下列步驟: 以滑鼠右鍵按一下桌面上的任何空白區域,然後從下拉式功能表中選取 [個人化]。 在[個人化] 視窗中,按一下 [視窗色彩]選項。 接著,按一下下列對話方塊中的 [高級外觀設定...]。
Useful tip:How to Change Desktop Icon Spacing in Windows 11 Why does killing explorer work to undo desktop changes? This trick works because Windows 11 stores desktop icon positions in memory instead of saving them straight away. The explorer.exe handles your desktop, including where icons sit. ...
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Hi, I have learned that Microsoft has excluded all Intel processors prior to 8th generation from their current Windows 11 upgrade. While it is a great way to...
Made a change to help fix an issue which could cause the spacing between your desktop icons to become extremely wide. Fixed the issue in Widgets where announcements from the Microsoft Start feed are still shown on the taskbar after the feed is hidden. ...
We use optional cookies to improve your experience on our websites, such as through social media connections, and to display personalized advertising based on your online activity. If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You may change your...
By default, it’s shown in the Compact mode, with content, icons without labels, and the "More" button. You can set the mode to Minimal to show only a thin bar that acts as the "More" button. In Minimal mode, the user can press anywhere on the bar to open it. Here's how the...
By default, it’s shown in the Compact mode, with content, icons without labels, and the "More" button. You can set the mode to Minimal to show only a thin bar that acts as the "More" button. In Minimal mode, the user can press anywhere on the bar to open it. Here's how the...
By default, it’s shown in the Compact mode, with content, icons without labels, and the "More" button. You can set the mode to Minimal to show only a thin bar that acts as the "More" button. In Minimal mode, the user can press anywhere on the bar to open it. Here's how the...