密码: shdk ipp007 默默无闻 1 galwaxy 颇具盛名 7 打开注册表 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics 在打开的WindowMetrics子项中,找到IconSpacing和IconVerticalSpacing字符串值,将数值改为 -1125 帘卷西风zx 默默无闻 1 这咋整的 我也遇到了 ...
Windows Vista introduces a new icon size (or dimension), much larger than the icons dimensions available in XP. By default, Windows Vista uses the "Medium Icons" size on your desktop. If you want to see more icons on your desktop, or simply if you prefer larger icons, Windows Vista lets...
Using your keyboard, press and keep holding the CTRL button, then using your mouse wheel, roll it upward to make the icons size larger, or downward to set the icon size smaller http://elmajdal.net/Win7/Changing_Desktop_Icons_Size/ctrl.PNG http://elmajdal.net/Win7/Changing_Desktop_Icons...
Follow these steps to change the size of desktop icons and text in Windows® 10Right click on Windows® icon. Go to Device Manager. Expand "Display Adapters" and check the Intel® HD graphics is enabled. Click on Windows® Icon....
You can now see the changes made to the icons on the desktop. window, select theIconoption from theItemdrop-down menu. Make the text size on your screen larger or smaller Change your screen resolution Fonts: frequently asked questions
定位到路径:HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopWindowMetrics 修改「Shell Icon Size」键值(默认32,建议调整为24-28) 重启资源管理器或电脑生效 三、macOS系统调节方案 4、触控板手势调节 按住Control键的同时,双指在触控板上做张开/收缩手势,可实时缩放桌面图标尺寸,这种动态调节方式能让用户直观看到大小变化,找到...
Clean Your Desktop:No matter the icon size, a cluttered desktop can hamper your productivity. Regularly remove unnecessary icons and organize the essentials for a streamlined workspace. Consider Screen Resolution:If you find icons too small or too large even after adjusting, it might be worth looki...
making it difficult to identify and click on the icons. By increasing the icon size, you can make them more visible and easier to interact with. Conversely, if you have many icons on your desktop and want to fit more on the screen without scrolling, reducing the icon size can help yo...
如果您已經擁有圖示函示的其中一個圖示代碼程式 (HICON),例如:CreateIcon,您可以使用GetIconIdFromIconInterop API 取得IconId。 然後,您可以將IconId傳遞至SetIcon(IconId)方法來設定視窗圖示。 C# m_AppWindow.SetIcon(iconId)); 完全自訂 當您改為標題列完全自訂時,應用程式的工作區會延伸為涵蓋整個視窗,包括標題...
If you would like to adjust the size of desktop icon, right-click anywhere of the desktop, point to [View]⑨, and then select [Large icons], [Medium icons], or [Small icons]⑩.Was this information helpful? Yes No Contact Support Please contact with us if the above information cannot ...