对于喜欢定制系统的用户,可以通过修改注册表来精确调整图标大小。请按以下步骤操作:按 Win + R 组合键,输入 regedit 并按下回车键,打开注册表编辑器。定位到以下路径:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop 找到 IconSize 项,双击并修改其数值。数值越大,图标越大。修改完成后,...
public static System.Drawing.Size SmallIconSize { get; } 属性值 Size Size,指定小图标的尺寸(以像素为单位)。 示例 下面的代码示例列出 中 类的所有属性 SystemInformation, ListBox 并在选择列表项时显示 中 TextBox 属性的当前值。 C# 复制 using System; using System.Collections; using...
public static System.Drawing.Size SmallIconSize { get; } 属性值 Size Size,指定小图标的尺寸(以像素为单位)。 示例 下面的代码示例列出 中 类的所有属性 SystemInformation, ListBox 并在选择列表项时显示 中 TextBox 属性的当前值。 C# 复制 using System; using System.Collections; using...
SmallIconSize 属性 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: System.Windows.Forms 程序集: System.Windows.Forms.dll 获取小图标的尺寸(以像素为单位)。 C# 复制 public static System.Drawing.Size SmallIconSize { get; } 属性值 Size Size,指定小图标的尺寸(以像素为...
IconSize IconSpacingSize IconVerticalSpacing IsActiveWindowTrackingEnabled IsComboBoxAnimationEnabled IsDropShadowEnabled IsFlatMenuEnabled IsFontSmoothingEnabled IsHotTrackingEnabled IsIconTitleWrappingEnabled IsKeyboardPreferred IsListBoxSmoothScrollingEnabled IsMenuAnimationEnabled IsMenuFadeEnabled IsMinimizeRestoreAni...
32 by 32 pixels (the required size for File Manager data file icons) 48 by 48 pixels 64 by 64 pixels (typical application icon size) 128 by 128 pixels If you change the size of the canvas when an icon file is loaded, the file is read from the upper left corner. Larger images are...
Go back to Adjust icon size using advanced appearance settings In theWindow Color and Appearancewindow, select theIcon Spacingoption from theItemdrop-down menu. Note: TheIcon Spacing (Horizontal)option determines the spacing of icons placed side by side, while theIcon Spacing (Verti...
Figure 2. General icon sizes Icons on the right side of theStartmenu are displayed at the 24 × 24 pixels size. This is not a size that you need to provide. Figure 3. The 24×24 size in the Start menu If you are creating icons for a toolbar, the Windows standard sizes are 24 ...
lastData = argv_dic['peobj'].get_data(resLang.data.struct.OffsetToData, resLang.data.struct.Size)ificonIdMap.has_key(resId.id) ==False:continueiconIdx = iconIdMap[resId.id] iconHeader ='\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00'+ group_dic[0][6+ iconIdx *14:6+ iconIdx *14+12] +'\x16\x0...
IconProperty 标识Icon 依赖项属性。 IsActiveProperty 标识IsActive 依赖项属性。 LeftProperty 标识Left 依赖项属性。 ResizeModeProperty 标识ResizeMode 依赖项属性。 ShowActivatedProperty 标识ShowActivated 依赖项属性。 ShowInTaskbarProperty 标识ShowInTaskbar 依赖项属性。 SizeToContentProperty 标识SizeToContent 依赖项...