KnownUSimFilePaths MobileBroadbandAccountEventArgs MobileBroadbandAccountUpdatedEventArgs MobileBroadbandAccountWatcher MobileBroadbandAccountWatcherStatus MobileBroadbandAntennaSar MobileBroadbandCellCdma MobileBroadbandCellGsm MobileBroadbandCellLte MobileBroadbandCellNR MobileBroadbandCellsInfo MobileBroadbandCellTdscdma...
WiFiOnDemandHotspotNetwork WiFiOnDemandHotspotNetworkProperties WiFiPhyKind WiFiReconnectionKind WiFiWpsConfigurationResult WiFiWpsConfigurationStatus WiFiWpsKind Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.Services Windows.Foundation Windows.Foundation.Collections ...
TCPIP 项目 2017/05/26 Note Starting with Windows 10, version 1703, this setting can no longer be used in provisioning packages. For more information on changes to the Windows Provisioning Framework, see Windows Provisioning Framework. This setting may have a Configuration Service Provider (CSP)...
I'm having this problem on Windows 11 when Mobile Hotspot is enabled, it seems there's a bug, when Mobile Hotspot is enabled, I keep losing the connection all the time intermittently, sometimes I can't even authenticate, sometimes it takes 30 to 50 seconds to lose connection. The connecti...
When I try to connect to \workstation\ I get the message "Windows can't ding \workstation\ Check the spelling and try again". I tried with IP and Hostname. This error shows up on our Windows 10 1903 clients. When I try the same on one of our Terminal Servers (Windows Server 2016...
I have another laptop which have similiar configuration to the Razer (same Windows 10 version, same adapter and same configurations) and no issues there. I also tried other routers and that didn't help (iPhone hotspot, Android hotspot, mobile router, etc). My Computer Quote ...
FAU_GEN.1 Insertion or removal of removable media 1100 Windows Logs -> Security Subcategory: Security State Change The event logging service has shut down Logged: Keywords: Microsoft- Windows-Kernel-PnP/Device Configuration: 410 Windows 10 audits...
[1861星][4m] [Java] adoptopenjdk/jitwatch Log analyser / visualiser for Java HotSpot JIT compiler. Inspect inlining decisions, hot methods, bytecode, and assembly. View results in the JavaFX user interface. [1849星][11m] [C++] googlecreativelab/open-nsynth-super Open NSynth Super is an exp...
编译JDK11:ERROR: Build failed for target ‘default (exploded-image)‘ in configuration ‘windows-x86_64,编译OpenJDK11,遇到错误:make[2]:***[make/Main.gmk:272:hotspot-server-libs]Error2make[2]:***Waitingforunfinishedjobs...Compiling299filesforBUILD_jd
In Windows 10 Version 1803, I am consistently getting Device Setup Manager Admin Event Log 200, 201, and 202 warnings. A group of 4 warnings (202, 200, 202, 201) will immediately follow the last 4. I'm not sure when these warnings started, but they have been going on for a coupl...