Hi AllWe are runnig HLK certification for windows server 2022 with our storage array, all the cases passed except two:DF - Sleep and PNP(disable and...
The Hardware Lab Kit (HLK) for Windows Server 2022 hardware and software testing for Windows Hardware Compatibility Program (WHCP) is now available at the Partner Center for Windows Hardware,https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/hlk/. The updated ver...
微软已经发布Windows 11& Server2022 HLK 测试套装,针对这一版HLK 有一个地方十分值得注意, 在创建Porject的时候会出现“is windows driver Project” 选择框: 这一选项目前是用于工程开发用的,不适用于正…
Active Directory Domain Services Functional Levels needs to be Windows Server 2012 or higher. A dedicated HLK controller machine. OS must be Windows Server 2019. A dedicated PCS controller machine. OS must be Windows Server 2022. A compute cluster, which hosts Hyper-V virtual ma...
Windows Server 2022 引入高级多层安全性、Azure 混合功能以及灵活的应用程序平台。在此版本中,我们引入了安全核心功能,以帮助硬件、固件和 Windows Server 操作系统功能抵御高级安全威胁。安全核心服务器基于 Windows Defender System Guard 和基于虚拟化的安全性等技术构建,可最大限度降低固件漏洞和高级恶意软件带来的风险...
Virtual HLK (VHLK) for Windows 11, version 21H2 Windows Server 2022Windows HLK for Windows Server 2022or Virtual HLK (VHLK) for Windows Server 2022 Windows 10, version 22H2, Windows 10, version 21H2, Windows 10, version 21H1, Windows 10, version 20H2, ...
Virtual HLK (VHLK) for Windows Server 2022 VHD 下載 Virtual HLK (VHLK) for Windows 10,版本 2004 VHD 下載 Virtual HLK (VHLK) for Windows 10,版本 1903 VHD 下載 Virtual HLK (VHLK) for Windows 10,版本 1809 先決條件 Windows 虛擬硬體實驗套件 (VHLK) 是在 VHDX 上預先安裝並預先設定的完整硬...
client端的系统版本是windows 19041(windows 2004),server端是windows server 2016。server侧已经正确安装与client侧OS版本所对应的HLK kits,在控制面板中我也确认了server侧HLK套件的版本是19041.1。server和client都关闭了所有防火墙(包括域防火墙),并且两者是可以互相ping通的。server的IP地址是10.22.130.45,client的IP...
We have started to run HLK for RNDIS Windows Server 2025. We have installed HLK fromt the following link(To Certify Windows Server 2025,Windows 11 HLK 24H2), https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/hlk/ [NdisStudio] NdisPoll keyword functional validation ...
Jul 30, 2022 2 MIN READ Windows Hardware Compatibility Program for Windows 11, version 22H2 The updated version of the Requirements, Windows Hardware Lab Kit (HLK), along with updated playlists for testing Windows 11, version 22H2 hardware can be downloaded from below links. Compared to pre....