在多核心或多处理器的计算机上。特别是在支持CPU频率动态调整的计算机上,windows系统下的QueryPerformanceFrequency()获取HPET(假设存在)的频率,而QueryPerformanceCounter()获取HPET(假设存在高精度事件定时器(High Precision Event Timer))自上电以来时钟周期数,与CPU频率无关。前一个函数不会由于线程执行所在的CPU不同或...
QueryPerformanceFrequency使⽤⽅法--Windows⾼精度定时计 数 在多核⼼或多处理器的计算机上。特别是在⽀持CPU频率动态调整的计算机上,windows系统下的QueryPerformanceFrequency()获取HPET(假设存在)的频率,⽽QueryPerformanceCounter()获取HPET(假设存在⾼精度事件定时器(High Precision Event Timer))⾃上电...
High Precision Event Timeren.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Precision_Event_Timer 当今CPU和GPU的工作频...
Assume that you enable the High Precision Event Timer on a computer that is running 32-bit version of Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1). In this situation, you experience high CPU usage on the computer. Cause This issue occurs beca...
(之后可以选择自动修复或者是进入命令行运行sfc /scannow命令修复)2 情况2:经常会发现windows在载入界面(视窗图标)直接死机了,硬盘没有读写。或者是平时使用windows系统的时候非常慢,经常卡顿。原因:BIOS的HPET support设置错误。简介:HPET(High Precision Event Timer)俗称高精度定时器(到时了产生中断),最低...
(The Microsoft High Precision Event Timer (HPET) is disabled by default on desktop virtual machines.)However, it may cause Windows 10 1809 desktop virtual machines to get into "Agent Unreachable" state.(The desktop can be "Available" state after starting up, but soon it may become "Agent ...
我们需要进入系统的[设备管理器],从[系统设备]中禁用High precision event timer 高精度事件计时器。 8.增加硬盘缓存 先从C盘Windows文件夹内找到system.ini, 新建以下选项,不能修改文件的设置一下用户访问权限即可。(上古时期的操作系统中添加硬盘缓存的方法,不知道今天是否管用,有多上古呢,就是大概64M内存还是主流...
If the TSC cannot be used for timekeeping the operating system reverts to the High Precision Event Timer (HPET). If that does not exist it reverts to the ACPI PM timer. For performance reasons it shall be noted that HPET and ACPI PM timer cause IPC overhead, while the use of the ...
进入bios,然后把"HPET" (High Precision Event Timer)和"ACPI" (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) 都开了。(大部分的主板HPET都是默认已开启的)4.CMD(最简单!)运行-CMD,在CMD.exe上右键选择以管理员身份打开,然后输入bcdedit /set useplatformclock true并按下回车,重启电脑,完成原文地址:http://...
System timerACPI\PNP0100 WAN 微型端口(IPv6)ms_ndiswanipv6 NdisWan ndiswan.sys High precision event timerACPI\PNP0103 Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CAPCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27CA&SUBSYS_27CA8086&REV_01 usbuhci usbuhci.sys Intel(R) G33/G31/P35/P31 Express ...