Windows Hello is a secure and convenient way to log into your Windows computer. However, we have noticed that sometimes,Windows Hello ceases to workeven when the camera is working fine. In this post, we will see what to do whenWindows Hello is not working on your Windows 11/10 computer....
If the Windows Biometric service – a process that is required to activate the fingerprint sensor on your device does not start up every time you boot up your PC, you may encounter problems with Windows Hello. Step 1:Open theServicesapplication from the Start menu. ...
How do I fix Windows Hello PIN Setup not working on new install? pin setup goes wrong and skipping this step does not work. Hi Welcome to Microsoft community. I understand you're having trouble with setting up a Hello Pin on your new laptop. This seems like a frustrating issue, but...
The biometric device is malfunctioning: When Windows 11 face recognition is not working, you should check whether the biometric device is working fine and if other conditions are favorable. For instance, there should be ambient light for facial recognition to work. How do I turn on Hello in Wi...
✅ Windows hello not working:So we are rolling out MFA using hello and interactive logons set to lock the workstation. So far I have rolled it out to about 15 assets, 4 of which...
I have problem with Windows Hello for PIN Sign-in option. This happen to all my user laptop that join with company domain. I already create policy in GPO to enable Windows Hello and PIN Sign-in option as per other solution given, but this not help me solve the problem. Is there an...
可以使用“设置”应用配置和管理 Windows Hello。 在Windows 设备上的“设置”应用中,选择“帐户”>“登录选项”或使用以下快捷方式: 在“登录方式”下,有三种使用 Windows Hello 登录的选项: 选择“人脸识别 (Windows Hello)”,使用电脑的红外摄像头或外部红外摄像头设置面部识别登录 ...
installing windows whit internet the face recognition not working because the windows setup first is making some update. installing windows without internet connection but whit the Lenovo driver previously downloaded to a usb memory, didn't set up face reco...
I have problem with Windows Hello for PIN Sign-in option. This happen to all my user laptop that join with company domain. I already create policy in GPO to enable Windows Hello and PIN Sign-in option as per other solution given, but this not help me solve the problem. Is there any ...
if (await WindowsHelloHelper.WindowsHelloAvailableCheckAsync()) { } else { // Windows Hello isn't set up, so inform the user WindowsHelloStatus.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 50, 170, 207)); WindowsHelloStatusText.Text = $"Windows Hello is not set up!