針對應用程式 () 啟用應用程式驗證器低資源模擬 (錯誤插入) 。 從命令列: Appverif /verify MyApp.exe /faults。 從使用者介面:在 [應用程式] 區域內按一下滑鼠右鍵,然後選取 [新增應用程式]。 從 [測試] 區域選取 [低資源模擬]。 按一下 [儲存] 按鈕。
The Hardware Lab Kit (HLK) for Windows Server 2022 hardware and software testing for Windows Hardware Compatibility Program (WHCP) is now available at the Partner Center for Windows Hardware,https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/hlk/. The updated versio...
Windows 裝置測試架構概觀 (WDTF) 技術。 若要開發 Windows Device Testing Framework (WDTF) ,您需要下列標頭: comtracing.h interruption.h itestresource.h logcoNtext.h logcontroller.h logtestresults.h preservelasterror.h resourcelist.h runtimeparameters.h ...
If you just need the hard drive read speed, then this hard drive speed tester software can be a good option for you.Home Page Download Page HWiNFOHWiNFO displays your computer hardware’s statistics. You can use it to view Hard Drive read and write speeds. In the Drive section, it ...
Windows: A family of Microsoft operating systems that run across personal computers, tablets, laptops, phones, internet of things devices, self-contained mixed reality headsets, large collaboration screens, and other devices. Hardware Performance: Deliv
藍牙測試平臺 (BTP) 軟體套件包含測試計算機上需要安裝的所有專案,以測試已啟用藍牙的裝置與 Windows 藍牙堆疊的互操作性。 包含的檔提供如何設定硬體,並建議拓撲以獲得最佳測試涵蓋範圍,以及如何執行測試和收集記錄的詳細數據。 下載BTP 軟體套件 按下列按鈕以下載最新版本。
Stress testing is a good way to check the reliability and stability of your system after buying or building a new PC, upgrading your graphics card, or overclocking your GPU. It can help you identify faulty hardware or a need for better cooling. ...
Stress testing is a good way to check the reliability and stability of your system after buying or building a new PC, upgrading your graphics card, or overclocking your GPU. It can help you identify faulty hardware or a need for better cooling. ...
Stress testing is a good way to check the reliability and stability of your system after buying or building a new PC, upgrading your graphics card, or overclocking your GPU. It can help you identify faulty hardware or a need for better cooling. ...
When you develop a test plan for testing application compatibility with Windows, include the following: Scope: What priority levels you address during testing? Methodology: Who does the testing involve? Requirements: What hardware, software, personnel, training, and tools you need to perform the tes...