ComputerHardwareIds DC2WMIParser (DC2WMIParser.exe) WDK 工具:是%WindowsSdkDir%\tools\x64\DC2WMIParser.exe %WindowsSdkDir%\tools\x86\DC2WMIParser.exeDC2WMIParser 是一种工具,用于收集由驱动程序验证程序创建的 WMI IRP 记录,并将此日志转换为文本文件。
感測器診斷工具 (SDT) 隨附於 Windows 驅動程式套件中,您可以使用此工具來測試驅動程式、韌體和硬體功能。 注意 感測器診斷工具現在已淘汰 Windows 10。 請使用來自 Microsoft Store 的 SensorInfo 應用程式來進行所有感測器測試和診斷。 在您的裝置和驅動程式執行之後,您可以使用此工具...
ComputerHardwareIds DC2WMIParser (DC2WMIParser.exe) WDK 工具:是%WindowsSdkDir%\tools\x64\DC2WMIParser.exe %WindowsSdkDir%\tools\x86\DC2WMIParser.exeDC2WMIParser 是收集驅動程式驗證器所建立的 WMI IRP 記錄,並將此記錄轉換成文本文件的工具。
C:\Program Files (x86) \Windows Kits\10\Tools\x64\sensordiagnostictool.exe 安裝感測器或位置驅動程式,並將硬體連結至您的計算機之後,此工具就會立即在可用的感測器清單中辨識並記錄您的裝置。 下圖顯示數個感測器連線到計算機時,感測器診斷工具啟動畫面。 計算機上可用的感測器會顯示在左窗格中。 在此情況...
Easily integrates support for emerging standards in hardware development. Localized in 24 languages. Small footprint on end user hard drives. Custom company branding including company logos and support contact information More than 200 diagnostic tests cover all major PC subsystems including CPU, memory...
Run Hardware Diagnosis in MyASUS Type and search [MyASUS] in the Windows search bar①, then click [Open]②. Note: If you cannot find MyASUS, it may not be installed on your device. Refer to How to install MyASUS. In the MyASUS app, click [System Diagnosis]③. Note: If your device...
Run any hardware diagnostics that are provided by the manufacturer of the storage subsystem. Use the scan disk tool to verify that there are no file system errors. To do this step, right-click the drive that you want to scan, select Properties, select Tools, and t...
My windows key is not working even after multiple restart attempts, the only software I have recently added is WeGame however I think the problem arose before that, I am not completely sure however. I have tried the PC hardware diagnostic tool, the onscreen keyboard and online keyboard testing...
如果發行者送出驅動程式給 Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Laboratory (WHQL),且該驅動程式通過可靠性測試,則 Microsoft 即成為簽署程式碼的憑證授權單位。大部分發行者會透過 WHQL 取得簽章,但是當驅動程式沒有 WHQL 測試程式、發行者不想將驅動程式送至 WHQL 測試,或該驅動程式是在系統啟動初期就載入的開機啟動...
Windows: A family of Microsoft operating systems that run across personal computers, tablets, laptops, phones, internet of things devices, self-contained mixed reality headsets, large collaboration screens, and other devices. Hardware Performance: Deliv