点击“GPU stress test”可开始进入FurMark的稳定性测试环节,一般来说,长时间烤机对显卡是有着一些不可逆的伤害的,所以我们使用它对显卡进行测试的话,最好不要超过10分钟。 综合以上三款软件,我认为AIDA64的综合性程度更高,既能查看显卡信息,又能进行性能测试和稳定性测试,同时带有一些参考结果,让我们知道自己的显卡...
Another good stress testing tool is HeavyLoad. It doesn’t just stress test the CPU, but it also lets you monitor your GPU temp as your computer is put through its paces. HeavyLoad等很多软件既能压测CPU,也能压测GPU,下图是用HeavyLoad压测GPU的截图 5、IntelBurnTest-2.54 https://www.filehorse....
测试显卡需要打开Fur Mark软件,单烤就是直接点击“GPU stress test”,需要双烤(CPU和GPU满载运行)则加上Stress FPU,同样是观测硬件温度,机身散热,风扇声音,显卡/CPU的功耗、频率等数据,一般也是测试十几分钟即可,长时间满载运行也会对硬件有一定的损耗。 另外还有一些适用的软件,例如外设工具可以检测键盘按键是否正常...
3DMark Wild Life通过实时渲染高负载的游戏模拟场景,测试和对比笔记本、智能手机、平板机的GPU性能,Windows、Android平台上使用Vulkan API,iOS平台上则使用Metal API。它提供两种测试模式,一是常规测试,模拟手游场景中一系列短暂高负载的循环,耗时比较短,结果为单一分数。二是压力测试(Stress Test),耗时较长,通过...
1、只压GPU OctaneBench https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1923257 2、CPU、GPU都可以压 HeavyLoad V-Ray Benchmark CLI FurMark* geekbench 代码语言:txt 复制 HeavyLoad压显存太少,一次才几百M,用OctaneBench吧,一份就能压3GB左右显存 而且HeavyLoad非常容易卡住,而且GPU内存分配不稳定,分配得也没有Oct...
UL Benchmark官方宣布了GPU图形性能基准测试软件“3DMark Wild Life”,跨平台同步支持Windows、iOS、Android三大系统,测试结果可以直接横向比较。 3DMark Wild Life通过实时渲染高负载的游戏模拟场景,测试和对比笔记本、智能手机、平板机的GPU性能,Windows、Android平台上使用Vulkan API,iOS平台上则使用Metal API。
2/an option called BFC (short for BackFace Culling) is now available in the GUI. This option allows to change the graphics workload and depending on the GPU it can increase the stress test. By default in previous versions, BFC was enabled for demo mode (RUN button) and disabled for benc...
GPU Stress Tests CPU Profile Storage Benchmark DirectX Raytracing feature test Mesh Shader feature test PCI Express feature test Sampler Feedback feature test VRS feature test AMD FSR feature test NVIDIA DLSS feature test Intel XeSS feature test ...
- GPU tests are fine, they complete with no crash (Furmark) - Memtest86 : did several runs on the mem at 4800 and 6600 -> no errors, all tests PASS. - a few games such as Cyberpunk 2077, Horizon Zero Dawn : almost systematically crash when launched.A...
3DMark Wild Life Stress Test. 3DMark Windows 2.13.7009 — September 18, 2020 This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. Fixed Fixed an issue with the GPU selector feature. 3DMark Windows 2.13.7004 — September 17, 2020 ...