According to Microsoft "System Information (also known as msinfo32.exe) shows details about your computer's hardware configuration, computer components, and software, including drivers."It will show System Summary, Hardware Resources, Components and Software Environment.Ref: What is System Informa...
1) getsystem 新建一个线程创建命名管道并等待服务发来的连接 (服务端) 2) getsystem 创建了一个以 SYSTEM 权限运行的 Windows 服务,该服务会向命名管道发起连接 (客户端) 3) 启动该服务,向目标命名管道发起连接 (客户端 -> 服务端) 4) 该进程(服务端)接收连接,调用 ImpersonateNamedPipeClient,从而模仿了 ...
On Windows Server 2008 and later, applications can programmatically get information about how the underlying hardware components relate to one another. Examples include spatial locality and memory latency. This article describes how developers can get the system topology information and use it ...
GetSystemInfo(&sys_info); NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation,&CpuInformation,sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) *(ULONG)sys_info.dwNumberOfProcessors, NULL );for(inti =0; i < (int)sys_info.dwNumberOfProcessors; i++) ...
Figure 9 shows a Find Process search handler in action, with its full list of processes running at a certain moment in time. Windows 2000 also supports the ToolHelp API to get system information about the running processes and modules. ToolHelp is supported under Windows 9x, but not under ...
cpu_usage = ((pti.stime + pti.utime) - (old_stime + old_utime)) / system_time_interval * 100 获得进程ID(或在Windows上调用的“进程句柄”)后,您需要获取进程时间(使用GetProcessTimes)和系统时间(使用GetSystemTimes)。那么这(再次)只是一个简单的计算: denominator = (global_kernel_time - old...
getsystem原理 命名管道有一个特点,就是允许服务端进程模拟连接到客户端进程。可以利用Impersonate-NamedPipeClient这个API,通过命名管道的服务端进程模拟客户端进程的访问令牌,也就说如果有一个非管理员用户身份运行的命名管道服务器,并有一个管理员的进程连接到这个管道,那么理论上就可以冒充管理员用户。
GetVolumeInformation(lpRootPathName, lpVolumeNameBuffer, dwVolumeNameSize, &dwVolumeSerialNumber, &dwMaximumComponentLength, &dwFileSystemFlags, lpFileSystemNameBuffer, dwFileSystemNameSize); // 获得磁盘卷信息,包括卷名称和格式类型; GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(lpRootPathName, &FreeBytesAvailable, &TotalNumberOfBytes...
(3)meterpreter会使你,懒惰(getsystem = lazy-fu) (4)检测评估最终成为 - >认证nessus扫描,微软安全基线分析仪. 通常认为,如果配置小心,windows主机安全可以得到保障。最重要的是,补丁时间窗口机会很小。因此,我们深入了解Windows操作系统,看看我们是否可以获得SYSTEM。