调用GetInterfaceName函数来获取指定网络接口的名称: 代码语言:txt 复制 DWORD interfaceIndex = 1; // 网络接口索引 std::string interfaceName = GetInterfaceName(interfaceIndex); 通过以上步骤,可以在Windows中使用InterfaceByName函数来获取网络接口名称。
下面是一个使用Python获取特定网卡IP地址的示例代码: importsocketimportsubprocessdefget_interface_ipv4_address(interface_name):output=subprocess.check_output(['ipconfig'])output=output.decode('gbk')interfaces=output.split('\n\n')forinterfaceininterfaces:ifinterface_nameininterface:lines=interface.split('\...
Windows Function to get network related details. Hello Folks, I am looking forward to implement Windows Functions to print the following windows server's network related details. all network interface name, type, ip dhcp, mtu, ip address, ip cidr, default gateway address and matrix, hardware ad...
A NetBIOS name is a nonhierarchical name that some older apps use. A 16-character NetBIOS name identifies a NetBIOS resource on a network. A NetBIOS name represents a single computer or a group of computers. NetBIOS uses the first 15 characters for a specific computer’s name and the f...
Host_name是远程计算机的主机名。 Ipv6address是远程计算机的 IPv6 地址。 zone_id是目标地址的区域 ID。 链接本地目标地址的区域 ID 是要从中发送 tracert -6 数据包的接口的接口索引。 站点本地目标地址的区域 ID 是命令输出netsh interface ipv6 show interface中列出的站点 ID。 无需对全局目标地址使用命令...
Namespace: Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators Edit Provides the authentication context that contains details of the current authentication attempt and provides methods to perform the authentication. Note This functionality is available only to mobile operator apps and UWP apps given privileged access by...
获取所有接口的名称:netsh interface show interface * “show interfaces -显示接口。*”需要“有线自动...
Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer Windows.Networking.Connectivity Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators Windows.Networking.Proximity Windows.Networking.PushNotifications Windows.Networking.ServiceDiscovery.Dnssd Windows.Networking.Vpn Windows.Networking.XboxLive...
NbProvider 键:Netbt\Parameters 值类型:REG_SZ - 字符串 有效范围:_tcp 默认值:_tcp 说明:RPC 组件在内部使用此参数。 不应更改默认值。 TransportBindName 键:Netbt\Parameters 值类型:REG_SZ - 字符串 有效范围:N/A 默认值:\Device\ 说明:此参数在产品开发期间在内部使用。 不应更改默认值。反馈...
// 1. 批量获取addrs,err:=net.Interfaces()// 2. 根据网卡Index或网卡Name获取addr,err:=net.InterfaceByIndex(index)// 根据index获取addr,err:=net.InterfaceByName(name)// 根据name获取// 3. net包可以获取到的网卡信息// Interface represents a mapping between network interface name// and index. ...