CString GetLegalCopyright() {return QueryValue(_T("LegalCopyright")); }; CString GetOriginalFilename() {return QueryValue(_T("OriginalFilename"));}; CString GetProductName() {return QueryValue(_T("ProductName")); }; CString GetProductVersion() {return QueryValue(_T("ProductVersion")); }...
PE文件的版本信息 版本信息在vc编程时,定义在rc资源文件里。见罗云彬的《Windows 32 位环境下汇编语言程序设计》p179 在Windows API中GetFileVersionInfoSize、GetFileVersionInfo、VerQueryValue 驻留在version.dll
DWORD dwVerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szDLLName, NULL); if (dwVerInfoSize > 0) { LPVOID pvVerInfoData = (LPVOID)new BYTE[dwVerInfoSize]; if (GetFileVersionInfo(szDLLName, 0, dwVerInfoSize, pvVerInfoData)) { UINT ulLength = 0; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* pVsInfo = NULL; if (VerQu...
DWORD GetFileVersionInfoSize(LPTSTR lptstrFilename,LPDWORD lpdwHandle); ParameterslptstrFilename [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the file. lpdwHandle [out] Pointer to a variable that the function sets to zero.Return...
DWORD GetFileVersionInfoSize( LPTSTR lptstrFilename, LPDWORD lpdwHandle); ParameterslptstrFilename [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the file of interest. lpdwHandle [out] Pointer to a variable that the function sets to zero.Return...
Call the GetFileVersionInfoSize function first to determine the size, in bytes, of file version information. The dwLen parameter should be equal to or greater than that value. If the buffer pointed to by lpData is not large enough, the function truncates the file version information to the...
When package B is installed, it places its version of file X in the Pending File Rename queue. When the computer is restarted, because package B was installed last, its version of file X is installed (in the Pending File Rename queue, the last file is the one that is used). As a ...
FSCTL_GET_WOF_VERSION IOCTL) (I/O 控制代码用于查询用于支持特定提供程序的驱动程序版本。若要执行此操作,请使用以下参数调用 FltFsControlFile 或ZwFsControlFile。syntax 复制 BOOL WINAPI DeviceIoControl( (HANDLE) hDevice, // handle to device (DWORD) FSCTL_GET_WOF_VERSION, // dwIoControlCode (...
GetFileVersionInfoExW GetFileVersionInfoSizeExW VerFindFileW VerQueryValueW api-ms-win-core-winrt-error-l1-1-1.dll GetRestrictedErrorInfo IsErrorPropagationEnabled RoCaptureErrorContext RoClearError RoFailFastWithErrorContext RoGetErrorReportingFlags RoGetMatchingRestrictedErrorInfo RoInspectCapturedStackBackTra...
Microsoft.Windows.Appraiser.General.DatasourceApplicationFileAdd这个事件表示有关在系统上安装的特定应用程序文件的基本元数据。 随此事件收集的数据用于帮助使 Windows 保持最新状态。包含以下字段:AppraiserVersion 正在生成事件的评估程序文件的版本。 AvDisplayName 如果为防病毒应用,则这是其显示名称。 CompatModelIndex...