wmic os get Caption, Version, OSArchitecture, RegisteredUser 查询硬盘信息: wmic diskdrive get caption, size, interfaceType 查询网络适配器信息: wmic nic get name, speed, macaddress 查询进程信息: wmic process get name, processid, commandline 查询服务信息: wmic service where "state='running'" get...
Census.UserNLS此事件发送与用户设置的默认应用语言、输入和显示语言首选项相关的数据。 随此事件收集的数据用于帮助使 Windows 保持安全和最新状态。包含以下字段:DefaultAppLanguage 当前用户的默认应用语言。 DisplayLanguage 当前用户首选的 Windows 显示语言。 HomeLocation 使用GetUserGeoId() 函数填充的当前用户位置。
Windows Script Host, you could run more sophisticated scripts in the Command shell. For more information, seecscriptorwscript. You can perform operations more efficiently by using scripts than you can by using the user interface. Scripts accept all commands that are available at the command line....
How to create a Recovery Disk via Command Line? How to create UEFI NTFS USB bootable media using command line How to delete an app from a deleted user's account How to delete update.esd ? the file size is too big (3GB) How to determine the PID of something wrapped by svchost How to...
reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tencent\QQGame\SYS /v GameDirectory // 查询QQGame安装路径 5. @#@ &顺序执行多条命令,而不管命令是否执行成功 cd /d d:\src&work.exe /o c:\result.txt// 先将当前工作目录切换到d:\src下,然后执行work.exe /o c:\result.txt命令 ...
(dependent entirely on the permissions of the user running the installation). If you have an administrative account, it's relatively safe to install NVM for Windows before uninstalling the original Node version. If you are working in a closed environment, such as a corporate Active Directory ...
conhost.exe– the user-mode Windows Console UX & command-line plumbing condrv.sys– a Windows kernel driver providing communication infrastructure between conhost and one or more Command-Line shells/tools/apps A high-level view of Console’s current internal architecture looks like this: ...
0: kd> vertarget Windows 10 Kernel Version 9926 MP (4 procs) Free x64 Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Built by: 9926.0.amd64fre.fbl_awesome1501.150119-1648 Machine Name: "" Kernel base = 0xfffff801`8d283000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff801`8d58aef0 Debug session time: ...
USER_MODE_HEALTH_MONITOR 停止錯誤碼 0x0000009E 這個停止錯誤表示使用者模式健康情況檢查失敗,導致無法正常關機。 Windows 會重新啟動或啟用應用程式故障轉移至其他伺服器,以還原重要服務。 叢集服務會納入偵測機制,以偵測使用者模式元件中的無回應。 這個停止錯誤通常會發生在叢集環境中,且指定的錯誤...
USER_MODE_HEALTH_MONITOR 停止错误代码 0x0000009E 此停止错误表明用户模式运行状况检查失败,从而阻止了正常关闭。 Windows 通过重启或支持应用程序故障转移到其他服务器来恢复关键服务。 群集服务包含检测机制,可在用户模式组件中检测无响应情况。 此停止错误通常发生在群集环境中,指示故障驱动程序是 RHS....