九、获取代码 usingSystem.Management;stringGetSystemId(){stringsystemId=null;using(ManagementObjectSearchermos=newManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct")){foreach(variteminmos.Get()){systemId=item["UUID"].ToString();}}returnsystemId;} usingSystem;usingSystem.Management;name...
Window10下获取电脑机器序列号非常简单, 打开cmd命令行窗口,输入wmic bios get serialnumber命令即可,如下图所示:
用户只需按下Win+R组合键打开“运行”对话框,输入“cmd”并回车,即可打开命令提示符窗口。在命令提示符窗口中,用户输入“wmic path win32_computersystem get name,version”并回车,即可在输出结果中看到“product”(产品)后面的信息,这就是电脑的型号。4. 通过DirectX诊断工具查看 DirectX是Windows系统中的一...
Getting the computer’s serial number used to be an arduous task ofgetting the system firmware table, and then manually parsing the SMBIOS information looking for the serial number. Windows 8 introduced theWindows.System.Profile.SystemManufacturers.SmbiosInformationruntime class which parses out th...
BiosDate BIOS 的发布日期(UTC 格式)。 biosName Win32_BIOS 中的名称字段。 BiosName Win32_BIOS 中的名称字段。 manufacturer Win32_ComputerSystem 中的制造商字段。 Manufacturer Win32_ComputerSystem 中的制造商字段。 model Win32_ComputerSystem 中的型号字段。 Model Win32_ComputerSystem 中的型号字段。...
wmic computersystem get totalphysicalmemory 检查内存容量 使用此命令可以查看每条内存的单个容量: wmic memorychip get devicelocator, capacity 示例结果: Capacity DeviceLocator 17179869184 ChannelA-DIMM0 17179869184 ChannelB-DIMM0 检查内存速度 使用此命令检查每个内存模块的最大带宽(以MHz为单位): ...
Original KB number:2817024 Symptoms When you try to validate an OEM version of Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, you may receive the following error message: Error code : 0xc004f063 The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer ...
2. Open Disk Management in Computer Management Right-click the Start or Windows icon at the menu bar and click "Disk Management" on the left. 3. Open Disk Management via Search Box You won't find a shortcut to Disk Management in your Windows Start menu or Apps screen because it's not...
wmic computersystem get name, manufacturer, model, username 查询操作系统信息: wmic os get Caption, Version, OSArchitecture, RegisteredUser 查询硬盘信息: wmic diskdrive get caption, size, interfaceType 查询网络适配器信息: wmic nic get name, speed, macaddress ...