git config --global [你的 git user name 替换此处] git config --global [你的 git 邮箱账户 替换此处] ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C [你的 git 邮箱账户]发布于 2023-02-08 10:07・IP 属地云南 内容所属专栏 程序员的碎碎念 一些小的技术文章 订阅专栏 GitBook Git SSH(Secur...
2、查看生成的 SSH 公钥和私钥: ls ~/.ssh/ 输出: id_ed25519 私钥文件id_ed25519 公钥文件 3、读取公钥文件~/.ssh/ cat ~/.ssh/ 输出,如: ssh-ed25519 AAAA***5B TG SSH Key 复制终端输出的公钥。
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 个人建议直接生成ed25519算法的密钥文件,将生成两个(一对密钥)密钥文件,将客户端公钥(通常是id_[xxxx].pub)内容配置到服务器用户(想要免密登录的用户)的.ssh/authorized_keys中就可使用密钥对认证免密登录。 简单说明下加密算法,rsa的通用性高;ecdsa、ed25519算法新一些,强度也更大更安全...
putty snapshot ,mobaXterm, teraterm 这几个都支持 ecdsa和ed25519 , xshell 已经支持ecdsa ...
# Get the public key file generated previously on your client$authorizedKey=Get-Content-Path$env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\ Generate the PowerShell to be run remote that will copy the public key file generated previously on your client to the authorized_keys file on your server$remotePowe...
You can choose a different algorithm if you want, such as Ed25519, which GitHub recommends. To do that,type:ssh-keygen -t ed25519instead. How to Generate SSH Keys With PuTTY PuTTYis a popular third-party software that lets you connect to remote servers using SSH or Telnet protocols. It ...
so I add the ed25519 key pair. After that, I couldn't sign in to the server, I deleted and reinstalled OpenSSH and even changed config ssh but I still couldn't get in the server with my password “OpenSSH for Windows”版本 ...
ssh-keygen \ -m PEM \ -t rsa \ -b 4096 \ -C"azureuser@myserver"\ -f ~/.ssh/mykeys/myrsaprivatekey \ -N mypassphrase 以下示例显示可用于创建 SSH ED25519 密钥对的其他命令选项。 如果当前位置存在 SSH 密钥对,这些文件将被覆盖。
# Get the public key file generated previously on your client$authorizedKey=Get-Content-Path$env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\ Generate the PowerShell to be run remote that will copy the public key file generated previously on your client to the authorized_keys file on your server$remote...
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key 此时可通过其他终端使用 Windows 环境的登录账号进行 ssh 连接: ssh 结束sshd 服务可以直接 kill 进程: $ ps -ef|grep sshd Administ 5292 1 ? 16:54:51 /usr/bin/sshd ...