《Word 2000 for Windows for Dummies》是一本由Dan Gookin所著的图书,出版于1999年1月。此书ISBN为9780764504488,十位数为0764504487,总页数为381页,书重约0.732千克。原定价为140元。对于二手书而言,普通用户可以以28元的价格购得,节省了112元;而VIP用户则以25.2元的价格购买,节省了114.8...
《Windows XP for Dummies》是John Wiley & Sons Inc出版的图书,作者是Rathbone, Andy 内容简介 Windows is the world's most popular operating system, and "Windows For Dummies" is the bestselling computer book ever. When you look at "Windows XP For Dummies, 2nd Edition, " it's easy to see ...
Windows for Dummies 作者:Andrews McMeel Publishing ISBN:9780836231472 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 + 加入购书单
《PowerPoint 2000 for Windows for Dummies》是1999年For Dummies出版的图书,作者是Doug Lowe。内容简介 Not too long ago (in a galaxy not too far away), the term presentation software meant poster board and marker pens. Times sure have changed. Now, computer presentations are the norm; in fact,...
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It's been around for more than 20 years, and the latest whiz-bang version is called Windows 7, shown in Figure 1-1. Figure 1-1. Windows 7, the newest version of Microsoft ... Get Windows® 7 for Dummies® now with the O’Reilly learning platform. O’Reilly members experience ...
《Word 2000 for Windows for Dummies》作者Dan Gookin,1999年01月出版。内容提要 Microsoft Word 2000 is a massive program. It does a lot. But the truth is that you don't need to know everything about Word to use it. A better question is: Do you want to know everything about Microsoft ...
Windows 10 For Dummies, 3rd EditionAndy Rathbone
Spare yourself hours of frustration trying to make WordPerfect 9 for Windows work for you. Pick up a copy of WordPerfect 9 For Windows For Dummies, and you'll be cranking your work out in no time. If you're new to WordPerfect, you get a thorough overview of its word processing basics...
Internet Explorer 4 for Windows for Dummies 《Internet Explorer 4 for Windows for Dummies》是For Dummies出版的图书,作者是Doug Lowe