属性名称: face (在 font 对象中定义)必要性: 可选接受: 字符串形式的字体名称。默认值:"Cascadia Mono"字体大小这将设置配置文件的字体大小(以磅为单位)。属性名称: size (在 font 对象中定义)必要性: 可选接受: 整数默认值:12字体粗细此属性设置配置文件字体的粗细(笔画的粗细)。
Operation steps: 1. Start by opening up the "Settings"from the Start Menu. 2.Click the"Accessibility"and click the "Text size". 3.Drag the slider until the sample text is easy to read, then click"Apply".(System setting is only valid for the system, it's not applied on the third p...
"commandline" : "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe", "cursorColor" : "#FFFFFF", "cursorShape" : "bar", "fontFace" : "Monaco", "fontSize" : 12, "guid" : "{1d4e097e-fe87-4164-97d7-3ca794c316fd}", "historySize" : 9001, "icon" : "C:\\Users\\walterlv\\Resourc...
{"name":"Change font size...","commands": [ {"command": {"action":"adjustFontSize","delta":1} }, {"command": {"action":"adjustFontSize","delta":-1} }, {"command":"resetFontSize"}, ] } 可迭代命令 借助可迭代命令可同时创建多个命令(生成自设置中定义的其他对象)。 目前,可以为配...
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "FontSmoothing"="2" ;启用Cleartype以优化字体 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "FontSmoothingType"=dword:00000002 ;加快菜单显示速度 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "MenuShowDelay"="0" ;最小化和最大化时对窗口使用动画效果 [HKEY_...
"commandline": "cmd.exe", "hidden": false, "colorScheme" : "Retro", "cursorColor" : "#FFFFFF", "cursorShape": "filledBox", "fontSize" : 16, "padding" : "5, 5, 5, 5", "tabTitle" : "Command Prompt", "fontFace": "PxPlus IBM VGA8", "experimental.retroTerminalEffect": tru...
[System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(typeof(System.Windows.FontSizeConverter))] [System.Windows.Localizability(System.Windows.LocalizationCategory.None)] public double FontSize { get; set; } 属性值 Double 希望使用的字号,以与设备无关的像素为单位。 默认值由 MessageFontSize 值确定。 属性 TypeConver...
Microsoft-Windows-ehome-reg-inf | FontSizeApplies ToFor a list of the supported Windows editions and architectures that this component supports, see Microsoft-Windows-ehome-reg-inf.XML ExampleThe following XML output shows how to configure Windows Media Center settings in the specialize pass....
In this example, a Hyperlink XAML control is used to launch the privacy settings page for the microphone using thems-settings:privacy-microphoneURI. XML复制 <!--Set Visibility to Visible when access to the microphone is denied --><TextBlockx:Name="LocationDisabledMessage"FontStyle="Italic"Visib...
Hi I'm a web developer suffering this issue inherited from Chrome: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=912140 There's...