如果您使用 Microsoft Intune,您可以在端點安全>性防火牆>>建立原則 Windows 10、Windows 11 和Windows Server 路徑下,從 Microsoft Intune 管理員 中心部署規則>Windows 防火牆規則。 建立規則時,請在 [原則應用程式標識符] 設定中提供 AppId 標籤 使用PowerShell 建立本機防火牆規則:使用 New-NetFirewallRule ...
创建规则时,请在策略应用 ID 设置中提供 AppId 标记 使用PowerShell 创建本地防火墙规则:使用 New-NetFirewallRule cmdlet 并指定 -PolicyAppId 参数。 创建防火墙规则时,一次可以指定一个标记。 支持多个用户 ID本地策略合并和应用程序规则规则合并 策略设置控制如何组合来自不同策略源的规则。 管理员可以为 域、...
bat脚本如下,涉及到的函数主要是 netsh advfirewall firewall add rule 和 netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule 需要注意的一个坑是program的路径不能存在斜杠/,需要使用\,然而很多软件都会自动把路径生成为类似于C:/User/...这种形式,需要在脚本里转换一下 rem Check if both program path and program nam...
The Microsoft Defender Firewall is built into all modern versions of Windows and Windows Server and allows you to configure rules for filtering incoming and/or outgoing network traffic on your computer. Windows Firewall rules can be configured locally on the user’s computer (using thewf.mscconso...
The Windows Firewall rules can also be added manually. The commands below assume that you installed the UniFi Network Server using the Help Center articlehereand usedOpenJDKJava. 1. Open an Administrative Command Prompt. 2. Copy and add the below entries, the version and path ...
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\FirewallRules”里面有详细信息 (每个人可能不一样,cmd打开regedit,ctrl+f,搜程序路径即可) 我模仿着加了一条。(改了程序名字和路径),结果没鸟用。 找了一下午之后,终于找到了解决方法 ...
PowerShell New-NetFirewallRule-DisplayName"Inbound Secure Bypass Rule"-DirectionInbound-AuthenticationRequired-OverrideBlockRules$true-RemoteMachine$secureMachineGroup-RemoteUser$secureUserGroup-PolicyStoredomain.contoso.com\domain_isolation
As shown before, you can set all the conditions in New-NetFirewallRule and Set-NetFirewallRule. If you want to query for firewall rules based on these fields (ports, addresses, security, interfaces, services), you'll need to get the filte...
Select the “Allow the connection” option to allow the connection from the IP address and ports you specified. Be sure to check that no other firewall rules apply to the program – for example, if you have a firewall rule that allows all inbound traffic to the server application, this ...