StartScreen Windows.UI.Text Windows.UI.Text.Core Windows.UI.UIAutomation Windows.UI.UIAutomation.Core Windows.UI.ViewManagement Windows.UI.ViewManagement.Core Windows.UI.WebUI Windows.UI.WebUI.Core Windows.UI.WindowManagement Windows.UI.WindowManagement.Preview Windows.UI.Xaml Windows.UI.Xaml....
(IUIAutomationWindowPattern.get_CurrentIsModal) get_CurrentIsOffscreen 指示元素是否在屏幕外。 get_CurrentIsPassword 指示 元素是否包含伪装密码。 get_CurrentIsPeripheral 检索 元素的当前外围 UI 指示器。 get_CurrentIsReadOnly 指示是否可以更改 元素的值。 get_CurrentIsReadOnly 指示 元素的值是否为只读。
向UI 自动化公开 NavigationWindow 类型。C# 复制 public class NavigationWindowAutomationPeer : System.Windows.Automation.Peers.WindowAutomationPeer继承 Object DispatcherObject AutomationPeer UIElementAutomationPeer FrameworkElementAutomationPeer WindowAutomationPeer NavigationWindowAutomationPeer ...
Offscreen 65536 No on-screen representation. A sound or alert object would have this state, or a hidden window that is never made visible. Sizeable 131072 A sizable object. Moveable 262144 A movable object. SelfVoicing 524288 The object or child can use text-to-speech (TTS) to describe its...
I tried the solution that Kipp Ky\'Eva posted, but I could not find a "Gather Windows" option (after I hooked up my second monitor, I saw that this dialog box was also displaying offscreen). I found another solution that worked for me though:...
I am looking for some kind of "Console View" like it is available for example in Eclipse. Currently a terminal / shell opens when executing a script in Geany. In this shell one can see the process streams stdout and stderr and can write ...
appears. This will force the window to go full screen on your monitor, which will at least let you view its contents. This will likely only last as long as you don't remove the maximization. As soon as you go back to normal-window-mode, the window will resume its offscreen position....
(IUIAutomationWindowPattern.get_CurrentIsModal) get_CurrentIsOffscreen Indique si l’élément est hors écran. get_CurrentIsPassword Indique si l’élément contient un mot de passe déguisé. get_CurrentIsPeripheral Récupère l’indicateur actuel de l’interface utilisateur du périphérique pour ...
Host: James_Pratt (Microsoft) A: A non full screen window will get the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message with SETTINGCHANGE_RESETHost: James_Pratt (Microsoft) A: non full screen windows are unusualHost: James_Pratt (Microsoft) A: Managed applications need to handle Form.Resize...
In Windows Vista and Windows Server Codename "Longhorn", all top-level windows are rendered to an off-screen bitmap (similar to WS_EX_LAYERED), and the Desktop Window Manager combines the images together to draw the desktop.Manifestation