高级设置ms-settings:network-advancedsettings 飞行模式ms-settings:network-airplanemode ms-settings:proximity 手机网络和 SIM 卡ms-settings:network-cellular 拨号ms-settings:network-dialup DirectAccessms-settings:network-directaccess(仅在启用 DirectAccess 时才可用) ...
To make this happen, Windows uses Network Discovery to find all the available devices on the local network. However, on some computers, the Network Discovery feature might be disabled for security reasons. You cannot access or share files locally when the Network Discovery is turned off. The go...
In Windows operating system, Network discovery is the feature allows your computer to connect or find other computers or devices on network. It also helps to check whether your computer is seen from other devices on network. When you first time navigate to Network pane of File Explorer, you m...
NetworkSuffix - Windows 10 hardware dev ShowWindowsMediaPlayer - Windows 10 hardware dev SidebarOnByDefault - Windows 10 hardware dev SmtpNotificationsEnabled - Windows 10 hardware dev StartPanelOff - Windows 10 hardware dev ExtExtension.GetUnnamedArgStr method - Windows 10 hardware dev ExtExtension....
在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Maps中创建名为 AllowUntriggeredNetworkTrafficOnSettingsPage 的REG_DWORD 注册表设置,值为 0(零)。16. OneDrive若要关闭组织中的 OneDrive,请执行以下操作:启用组策略:计算机配置>管理模板>Windows 组件>OneDrive>禁止使用 onedriv...
Microsoft 已發現某些 Qualcomm Wi-Fi 配接器某些驅動程式版本的相容性問題。 配備受影響驅動程式版本的設備在更新到較新版本的 Windows 10 後可能會遇到 Wi-Fi 連接中斷。 為了保障您的升級體驗,我們已對裝置受影響 Qualcomm 驅動程式的設備執行了保存措施,直到安裝了更新的驅動程式才會開始提供 ...
在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Maps中创建名为 AllowUntriggeredNetworkTrafficOnSettingsPage 的REG_DWORD 注册表设置,值为 0(零)。16. OneDrive若要关闭组织中的 OneDrive,请执行以下操作:启用组策略:计算机配置>管理模板>Windows 组件>OneDrive>禁止使用 onedrive...
the discovery is turned on from their settings, it is still prompted by the error which states that it is still off. This is because network discovery is not enabled through one feature, but needs to be allowed through multiple platforms for the computer to be discoverable by other devices....
Click the“Advanced network settings”tab. Under the “More settings” section, click on“Advanced sharing settings.” Click thePrivate networkssetting. Turn on theNetwork discoverytoggle switch. Check the“Set up network connected devices automatically”option. ...
不建议在不符合Windows 11 最低系统要求的设备上安装 Windows 11。 如果选择在不符合要求的硬件上安装 Windows 11,则应能够放心地承担遇到兼容性问题的风险。 设备可能由于兼容性或其他问题而出现故障。 不再保证不符合这些系统要求的设备能够接收更新,包括但不限于安全更新。