DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features /Format:Table DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features /Format:List /PackagePath:C:\packages\package.cab DISM.exe /Image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features /PackageName:Microsoft.Windows.Calc.Demo~6595b6144ccf1df~x86~en~ 运行上面的...
2. Legacy Components – DirectPlay DirectPlay is an API of Microsoft DirectX API, which was used for games in Windows Live ten years ago. Nowadays, the modern games don’t use it anymore. 3. Media Features – Windows Media Player In fact, Windows Media Player is a popular media player ...
Features On Demand for main OS# This is optional to showcase where these are added$FOD= @('XPS.Viewer~~~')# Array of Legacy Features for main OS# This is optional to showcase where these are added$OC= @('MediaPlayback''WindowsMediaPlayer')# Mount the Features on Demand ISO...
Legacy DRM servicesLegacy DRM services, used by either Windows Media Player, Silverlight clients, Windows 7, or Windows 8 clients are deprecated. The following functionality won't work when these services are fully retired: Playback of protected content in the legacy Windows Media Player on Windows...
Legacy DRM servicesLegacy DRM services, used by either Windows Media Player, Silverlight clients, Windows 7, or Windows 8 clients are deprecated. The following functionality won't work when these services are fully retired: Playback of protected content in the legacy Windows Media Player on Windows...
Browser features and compatibility changes CSS and layout compatibility changes HTML and DOM compatibility changes JavaScript compatibility changes Legacy feature support changes Legacy feature support changes Arguments.caller is no longer supported Conditional comments are no longer supported ...
service. Removals can happen in any future release, whether it's the next LTSC release or several releases later. Some features are deprecated yet still ship in current versions of Windows Server. Components aren't removed from generally available supported versions that are within their ...
Security and Malware Setup, upgrades, and drivers Shell Experience Software Defined Networking System Management Components UserProfiles and Logon Virtualization Windows Security Windows Servicing, Updates and Features on Demand Windows Server End of Support (EoS) FAQ Support Tools Download PDF Learn...
Legacy Update makes use of the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) for its setup program. NSIS provides a scripting language we use to install prerequisite updates. We extend NSIS with a custom plugin to provide features that improve the setup user experience....
Microsoft OpenCL stack. File names:clon12compiler.dll(compiler),openclon12.dll(ICD) andWinPixEventRuntime.dll(x64 only dependency). These components introduced in 21.0.0 are finally provided by mesa-dist-win since 21.3.0 (compiler only) and 21.3.6-2 respectively. CLonD3D12 driver is avail...