fd_set 项目 2006/06/30 This structure is used by various Windows Sockets functions and service providers, such as the select function, to place sockets into a set for various purposes. For example, the readfds parameter of the select function can be used for testing a socket for ...
intselect(intnfds, fd_set*readfds, fd_set*writefds, fd_set*exceptfds,conststructtimeval *timeout ); fd_set 是一个 SOCKET 描述符集合 四, 窗口消息模式 WSAAsyncSelect 为 SOCKET 绑定一个接收通知的窗口, 当 SOCKET 可读、可写 或者 发生错误的时候, 会给这个窗口发送指定的消息, 然后可以在消息处理...
The fd_set structure is used by various Windows Sockets functions and service providers, such as the select function, to place sockets into a "set" for various purposes, such as testing a given socket for readability using the readfds parameter of the select function....
尝试对不是套接字的内容执行操作。 套接字句柄参数未引用有效的套接字,或者对于select,fd_set的成员无效。 WSAEDESTADDRREQ 10039 需要目标地址。 套接字上的操作中省略了所需的地址。 例如,如果使用远程地址ADDR_ANY调用sendto,则返回此错误。 WSAEMSGSIZE ...
I have a while loop and want to uses the FD_SET and select statement to detect if the user press any key from the keyboard. The FD_SET(STDIN, & sockSet) cannot compile on Windows. Is there any similar functions that are available on windows? Or if you have any suggestion how to ...
Win32: Change FD_SETSIZE from 512 to 2048 … 2453cbb mingwandroid added a commit to mingwandroid/cpython that referenced this issue Feb 23, 2019 Win32: Change FD_SETSIZE from 512 to 2048 … c929c80 mingwandroid added a commit to mingwandroid/cpython that referenced this issue Feb ...
How to Set Outlook as a Default app instead of mail client How to set Primary DNS Suffix on machine without a GPO how to set Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSignet to default? (after running script to see Meltdown and Sceptre status) How to set smart card as default login provider on Windows ...
在低版本的windows中,我们可以直接把setch.exe替换成我们的后门程序,下面我们把setch.exe替换为cmd.exe 映像劫持 这个和shift后门差不多,只不过在低版本的windows中,我们可以简单地替换程序,但是在高版本的windows版本中替换的文件受到了系统的保护,所以这里我们要使用另外一个知识点:映像劫持。
FD_SET(int, fd_set *)将一个给定的文件描述符加入到集合之中 FD_CLR(int, fd_set *)从集合中删除指定的文件描述符。 FD_ISSET(int, fd_set *)检查集合中指定的文件描述符是否准备好(可读或可写) (2),struct timeval这是常用的一个结构体,用来表示时间值,有两个结构体成员:tv_sec表示秒数和tv_usec...
Role Rid 所有者 = CN=“NTDS 设置 DEL:fd615439-1ebb-4652-b16f-3f8517d25593”,CN=dc01,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com Warning: CN=“NTDS 设置 DEL:fd615439-1ebb-4652-b16f-3f8517d25593”,CN=dc01,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name...