added fastboot tab fastboot functions=read gpt, erase, flash, read info, unlock bootloader, erase frp, erase and flash partitions, factory reset, reboot edl, reboot fastbootd, reboot system Note: Run Install.bat & type yes to replace old files must wipe userdata after flashing Mediatek firmware...
.\uuu.exe "fb[-t 90000]": ucmd update "rootfs" ram ${fastboot_buffer} ${fastboot_bytes}.\uuu.exe FB: delay 3000 .\uuu.exe FB: ucmd nand erase.part update .\uuu.exe FB: ucmd setenv boot_recovery yes.\uuu.exe FB: ucmd setenv recovery_command wipe_update .\uuu.exe FB: u...
.\uuu.exe "fb[-t 90000]": ucmd update "rootfs" ram ${fastboot_buffer} ${fastboot_bytes}.\uuu.exe FB: delay 3000 .\uuu.exe FB: ucmd nand erase.part update .\uuu.exe FB: ucmd setenv boot_recovery yes.\uuu.exe FB: ucmd setenv recovery_command wipe_update .\uuu.exe ...