在BIOS设置界面中,找到"System Configuration"或"Advanced"类别。在这里,您会看到一个选项叫做"Action Key Mode"。点击进入"Action Key Mode"选项,您会发现默认设置通常为"Enable"。为了关闭F1键的功能,您需要将其改为"Disable"。确认更改后,保存并退出BIOS设置。重启计算机,此时F1键将无法使用。通过...
支持使用 Windows 键作为修饰符,系统会保留大多数 Win+<key> 键绑定。 如果 OS 已保留该键绑定,终端将永远不会接收该绑定。修改键展开表 类型键 功能键和字母数字键 f1-f24、 a-z、、 0-9 符号 `、、plus、=-、[、]\';、,、、 ./ 箭头键 down、、left、upright、pagedown、pageup、pgdn、pgup、...
According to your description, you are talking about key combination of [Fn] key and [F1]-[F12]. Pressing only [F1] key will not disables sound. [Fn] + [F1] will disables sound (mutes sound).Please check if [Fn] key is in pressed status, or disable [Fn] key (how-to varies by...
3、重启电脑,不停地按 Enter 键,然后选择F1,进入到BIOS界面,如下图所示:打开"Security->Secury Boot",将第一个的 "Secure Boot" 设置为Disable,然后按F10键。系统就会重新启动,继续不停地按Enter键,然后按F12键,在系统启动方式中选择:USB-HDD,回车,就会进入到WinPE系统当中。4、由于当时没有用手机拍照,接...
If you don't like pressing F1-F4 for save states, you can change these shortcuts to other keyboard keys (or gamepad buttons) in Settings > Hotkeys. Then, scrolll down to the “Save States” section, as shown here . You can even set specific keys for saving/loading specific save stat...
Here's a list of startup settings that you can choose from. To select one, use the number keys or function keys F1-F9: Enable debugging.Starts Windows in an advanced troubleshooting mode intended for IT professionals and system administrators ...
Pressing any key on the keyboard during the Onboarding Guide (the thing when you start Mihon for the first time) will crash the app. Some of the notifications will be missing due to the Windows Action Center limit of 20. When setting up the tracker, make sure to set the default ...
Press F1 for multilingual help, depending on language setting in configuration Press F2 to save preboot.log from GUI Press F3 to show hidden entries Press F4 to save original (OEM) ACPI tables into /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin Press F5 to test DSDT patching Press F6 to save graphics firmware int...
设置步骤:请您开机(或重启)出现HP(或COMPAQ)界面时,点击F10按键进入BIOS界面,选择system configuration,将Action Keys Mode 选项设置为Disable,再选择Exit---Exit Saving Changes---yes。设置后使用F1~F12快捷键就需要按Fn+F1--F12组合按键来实现了。希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。如果以上信...
{"__typename":"InheritableStringSettingWithPossibleValues","key":"layout.friendly_dates_enabled","value":"false","localValue":"true","possibleValues":["true","false"]},"dateDisplayFormat":{"__typename":"InheritableStringSetting","key":"layout.format_pattern_date","value":"MMM dd yyyy","...