2 启动注册表编辑器后,导航到以下项: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer 3 如果要在 Windows 中禁用"文件夹选项",请右键单击右窗格上的空白区域,然后创建一个新的 DWORD(32 位)值,4 将其命名为"NoFolderOptions(无文件夹选项)",并双击该值将其值设置为 ...
1.打开“运行”对话框,输入“regedit”并回车,打开注册表编辑器。 2.定位到“HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer”项。 3.查找名为“NoFolderOptions”的注册表项,并将其值设置为0。 4.重启计算机后,检查文件资源管理器是否恢复正常。 二、检查文件资源管理器是否被损坏 ...
./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/ADMX_WindowsExplorer/IZ_Policy_OpenSearchPreview_InternetLockdown 使用此策略设置,可以管理用户是否可以预览该区域中的项目,还是在文件资源管理器的预览窗格中显示自定义缩略图。 虽然此策略设置通常适用于使用搜索连接器 (OpenSearch 查询返回的项目,后者允许从文件资源管理器) 中对...
Windows.System.Implementation.FileExplorer Windows.System.Implementation.Holographic Windows.System.Inventory Windows.System.Power Windows.System.Power.Diagnostics Windows.System.Preview Windows.System.Profile Windows.System.Profile.SystemManufacturers Windows.System.RemoteDesktop ...
類型:Windows.Data.FileExplorerClassic.AdvancedSettings 結構展開資料表 名稱類型描述 migratedFromSSF bool 指出是否已將進階設定從舊版設定架構移轉至目前的解決方案。 alwaysShowMenus bool 指出進階設定是否應該一律顯示功能表。 folderContentsInfoTip bool 指出進階設定是否應該顯示資料夾內容資訊提示。 hide...
2.定位到“HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer”项。 3.查找名为“NoFolderOptions”的注册表项,并将其值设置为0。 4.重启计算机后,检查文件资源管理器是否恢复正常。 二、检查文件资源管理器是否被损坏 如果文件资源管理器被损坏,可能会导致无法正常打开或使用。这时,可以尝试以下方...
File Explorer in Windows 11 helps you get the files you need quickly and easily. To check it out in Windows 11, select it on the taskbar or the Start menu, or press the Windows logo key + E on your keyboard. How to use File Explorer: To pin a folder to Quick access, right-cli...
For more information, see Section A.1, "Setting Windows Explorer Integration Options."6.10 Opening Content Files When you open a content file on a server, it is checked out of the content server and a copy is placed in temporary storage space on your computer (see Section 4.6, "Local ...
Restart Windows Explorer (explorer.exe) or reboot computer Unpin shared folder(s) from Quick Access Check for apps that might mess with File Explorer Reset folder views and restore folder options to defaults Run a clean boot without 3rd party services Fix system files with SFC and DISM Some fi...
How to use File Explorer: To pin a folder toQuick access, right-click (or press and hold) the folder and selectPin to Quick access. To share a file, select it, then selectShareon the ribbon. To move the location of a file or folder, select it and then selectCuton the ribbon. Nav...