Introduction Using Application Verifier Finding Real-World Leaks Separating the Wheat from the Chaff Show 3 more Douglas Boling President, Boling Consulting Inc. July 2005 Applies to: Windows CE .NET version 4.2 Windows CE version 5.0 Windows Mobile version 5.0 Visual Studio 2005 Summary:This article...$NewObjectWithObjectArra...
Learning How Application Verifier Works Conclusion Introduction Memory leaks can be fatal to embedded and mobile applications. It's not that embedded operating systems are fragile; it's simply the way they are designed. Desktop computer systems run very fast Pentium III and IV class processors with...
Finding Real-World Leaks Separating the Wheat from the Chaff Show 3 more Douglas Boling President, Boling Consulting Inc. July 2005 Applies to: Windows CE .NET version 4.2 Windows CE version 5.0 Windows Mobile version 5.0 Visual Studio 2005 Summary:This article discusses how to use the Applicatio...
appverif.exe htracker.dll shimexp.exe shim_heap.dll shim_hleak.dll shim_usergdi.dll vlog.dll symhlp.dll The files are in the following directory, where <cpu> is the CPU type for your device: C:\Program Files\Windows CE Platform Builder\5.00\cepb\wcetk\ddtk\<cpu>. ...