Windows Event log && Process 定义: Anevent, as defined in Windows, is any significant occurrence — whether in the operating system or in an application — that requires users to be notified. Critical events are sent to the user in the form of an immediate message on the screen. Other eve...
1.2、修改Service1.cs文件名称为《MyWindowsService.cs》,并在服务的设计窗口中添加工具EventLog,在《工具栏》中打开组件《EventLog》,并将其拖到我们服务之上。 1.3、然后在我们服务的构造函数中增加一下代码。 1usingSystem;2usingSystem.Diagnostics;3usingSystem.IO;4usingSystem.ServiceProcess;5usingSystem.Timers...
EventRecordID123456/EventRecordID Correlation/ ExecutionProcessID=564ThreadID=321/ ChannelSecurity/Channel ComputerDESKTOP-T1234/Computer SecurityUserID=S-1-5-21-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1001/ /System EventData DataName=SubjectUserSidS-1-5-21-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1001/Data DataName=Subj...
The Windows Event Log SDK enables an application to publish, access, and process events. An application publishes events by creating an event and sending it to a specific event log, where the event is stored. An application can access event information by querying or subscribing to events in a...
stringprocName=Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;usingPerformanceCounterpc=newPerformanceCounter("Process","Private Bytes",procName);Console.WriteLine(pc.NextValue()); PerformanceCounter 不公开 ValueChanged 事件,因此如果要监视更改,则必须进行轮询。在下一个示例中,我们每 200 毫秒轮询一次 — 直到 Even...
1) Process Explorer:检查进程及线程 CPU使用率、Call stack函数调用,收集User Dump文件。早期没有ETW\资源管理器时使用。下载地址: 2) Process monitor : 性能诊断,配置issues,收集中断日志。 3) CM Trace: SCCM log reader.。 4) poo...
进程文件:winlogon or winlogon.exe 进程名称:Windows Logon Process 描述:Windows NT用户登陆程序。 winmgmt.exe 进程文件: winmgmt or winmgmt.exe进程名称: Windows Management Service描述: Windows Management Service透过Windows Management Instrumentation data (WMI)技术处理来自应用客户端的请求 ...
Process ID: %4 Image File Name: %5 Accesses: %6 Access Mask: %7 因此从上面可以看到很多关键的信息其实都隐藏在描述字段信息中,需要进行仔细地分析! 最后再简单地说下windows自身存储策略的设置:根据Randy大神的经验,最大不要超过199M,200M的话可能会对windows的性能和稳定性有一定影响(这点不好进行实验验...
I am getting this error continuously : The Windows log on process has unexpectedly terminated.Server Configuration isOS:Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition 64 Bit with Service pack 2If anyone have solution pl. shareYogiAll replies (3)Wednesday, May 28, 2014 2:08 AM ✅Answered...
Security:Security logs contain events related to the safety of the system. The event gets recorded via the Windows auditing process. Examples include failed and valid logins, file deletions, etc. Setup:The setup log contains events that occur during the installation of the Windows operating system...