Windows Event log && Process 定义: Anevent, as defined in Windows, is any significant occurrence — whether in the operating system or in an application — that requires users to be notified. Critical events are sent to the user in the form of an immediate message on the screen. Other eve...
1.2、修改Service1.cs文件名称为《MyWindowsService.cs》,并在服务的设计窗口中添加工具EventLog,在《工具栏》中打开组件《EventLog》,并将其拖到我们服务之上。 1.3、然后在我们服务的构造函数中增加一下代码。 1usingSystem;2usingSystem.Diagnostics;3usingSystem.IO;4usingSystem.ServiceProcess;5usingSystem.Timers...
EventRecordID123456/EventRecordID Correlation/ ExecutionProcessID=564ThreadID=321/ ChannelSecurity/Channel ComputerDESKTOP-T1234/Computer SecurityUserID=S-1-5-21-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1001/ /System EventData DataName=SubjectUserSidS-1-5-21-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1001/Data ...
进入服务后,找到 eventlog,看到日志记录的进程时 812 进入Process Hacker 查看一下进程 点击查看一下进程 我这里是已经显示停止了日志的进程了,因为刚才实验的时候,忘记截图了,没能还原之前的记录了。 之前的是有 log 记录的,我们已经在kali中监听了,我们返回到 win7 中执行以下脚本,看看有没有回应 powershell “...
The Windows Event Log SDK enables an application to publish, access, and process events. An application publishes events by creating an event and sending it to a specific event log, where the event is stored. An application can access event information by querying or subscribing to events in ...
1) Process Explorer:检查进程及线程 CPU使用率、Call stack函数调用,收集User Dump文件。早期没有ETW\资源管理器时使用。下载地址: 2) Process monitor : 性能诊断,配置issues,收集中断日志。 3) CM Trace: SCCM log reader.。 4) poo...
Process ID: %4 Image File Name: %5 Accesses: %6 Access Mask: %7 因此从上面可以看到很多关键的信息其实都隐藏在描述字段信息中,需要进行仔细地分析! 最后再简单地说下windows自身存储策略的设置:根据Randy大神的经验,最大不要超过199M,200M的话可能会对windows的性能和稳定性有一定影响(这点不好进行实验验...
进程文件:winlogon or winlogon.exe 进程名称:Windows Logon Process 描述:Windows NT用户登陆程序。 winmgmt.exe 进程文件: winmgmt or winmgmt.exe进程名称: Windows Management Service描述: Windows Management Service透过Windows Management Instrumentation data (WMI)技术处理来自应用客户端的请求 ...
Event ID 20499 "Remote Desktop Services has taken too long to load the user configuration from server" Event ID 4005:The Windows logon process has unexpectedly terminated. Event ID 56 TermDD Event ID 85 error ...Help! Event ID 9009 EVENT ID: 1152 - Failed to create KVP sessions string...
kibana 中添加过滤、event.action、winlog.event_data.LogonProcessName、winlog.event_data.LogonType、、winlog.event_id。 登录成功有三条事件: 登录类型为 10,RemoteInteractive 意思是“通过rdp协议远程登录”。 Fantastic Windows Logon types and Where to Find Credentials in Them ...