4 运行命令:wevtutil epl application.evt application.evtx /lf:true 就能转化。5 wevtutil 在系统里面的提示都是英文,:Windows Events Command Line Utility.Enables you to retrieve information about event logs and publishers, installand uninstall event manifests, run queries, and export, archive, and cl...
EvtArchiveExportedLog Adds localized strings to the events in the specified log file. EvtCancel Cancels all pending operations on a handle. EvtClearLog Removes all events from the specified channel and writes them to the target log file. EvtClose Closes an open handle. EvtCreateBookmark Creates...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于WINDOWS Event log的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及WINDOWS Event log问答内容。更多WINDOWS Event log相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
TheEvtClosefunction closes an open event object handle that was previously returned from a Windows Event Log function. Any handle that is returned by a Windows Event Log function must be closed using this function call when the user is finished with the handle. The handle that is passed into ...
选了这项的话,当日志文件大于20M后,旧的日志文件会被存档,以“Archive ; <Event log name> ; <Date> ; <Time>.evtx”的;式保存在C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs文件夹下,新日志也是在这个路径下,但是文件名称是系统默认的。 如果回复对您有帮助,请您将有用回复标记为答案,谢谢。
1,从toolbox中拖拉一个EventLog组件到某种设计器,注意如果你的toolbox没有这个组件,请将先将System.Diagnostics.EventLog组件加入到toolbox面板中。 2,然后设置EventLog的属性,主要是log及source两个属性,source就是事件查看器的“来源”,log属性可取的值为"Application"/"Security"/"System",对应事件查看器列出的那...
TIP: To view the Event Logs in detail, you can use the free tool calledFull Event Log View. How do I archive Windows Event Logs? Archiving event logs can be of great help later, for example, for troubleshooting and auditing purposes. So, to archive the Windows event logs, launchEvent ...
EventManifest 架构 事件架构 查询架构 Windows 事件日志常量 Windows 事件日志数据类型 Windows 事件日志错误常量 Windows 事件日志枚举 Windows 事件日志函数 Windows 事件日志函数 EVT_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK EvtArchiveExportedLog EvtCancel EvtClearLog EvtClose
EventLog Analyzer is a competent log management tool that can collect, analyze, and archive event logs—along with multiple other log formats—to ensure your network's security.Here's how EventLog Analyzer helps with Windows event log analysis Event log collection Flexible log parsing Real-...
当群集服务启动或 EnabledEventLogs 属性更改时,将在每个群集节点上启用这些事件通道。收集日志启用事件通道后,可以使用 DumpLogQuery 收集日志。 公共资源类型属性 DumpLogQuery 是一个多字符串值。 每个字符串都是一个 XPATH 查询(如此处所述)。排除故障时,如果需要收集其他事件通道,可以通过添加其他查询或修改列表...