$to="Your.Name@yourdoamin.com"$subject="Windows login and logout Log"$body=Get-WinEvent-LogNameMicrosoft-Windows-TerminalServices-LocalSessionManager/Operational|Select-ObjectTimeCreated,@{Name='Message';Expression={$_.Message-replace'\r\n',' '}}|Where-Object{$_.id-eq21-or$_.id-eq24-or$...
Event ID 906 lsass (796,G,0) A significant portion of the database buffer cache has been written out to the system paging file. This may result in severe performance degradation. See help link for complete details of possible causes. Previous cache residency state: 64% (23809 out of 37063...
事件ID 180 每五分钟记录一次 AD FS/Admin 事件日志,如下所示: 输出复制 Log Name: AD FS/Admin Source: AD FS Event ID: 180 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: AD FS Description: An error occurred while upgrading FarmBehaviorLevel 'Max' from Minor Version '0' to Minor Version '3...
StorPortEtwEvent4 深入瞭解 StorPortEtwEvent4 函式。 StorPortEtwEvent8 深入瞭解 StorPortEtwEvent8 函式。 StorPortEtwLogByteStream StorPortEtwLogByteStream 會將具有一般用途位元組數據流參數的事件追蹤記錄至指定的通道。 StorPortEtwLogError StorPortEtwLogError 會記錄硬體通訊協定錯誤的事件追蹤 Windows (ETW) ...
I have a website where Windows Authentication is used to log in the site. I have used ASP.NET 2.0. I need to add a button "Logout" that will close the session and bring the windows authentication window in response to click event. ...
Event ID: 6113 -Microsoft-Windows-LiveId/Operational event id: 129 Reset to device, \Device\RaidPort0, was issued. Event ID: 4155 Description: I/O on ... has failed. Event ID: 430 Event ID:105 - every couple of seconds in the event viewer Event ID:12 Event Log - List of evtx fi...
setParticipants([{ userId: 'xxx', userName: 'xxx', avatarUrl: 'xxx' }]); Returns:void 类型定义 RoomEvent(枚举值) 参数 类型 描述 ROOM_START string 创建会议 ROOM_JOIN string 加入会议 ROOM_LEAVE string 离开会议 ROOM_DISMISS string 会议解散 KICKED_OFFLINE string 用户被踢下线 KICKED_OUT ...
"Event ID 4005 - The Windows logon process has unexpectedly terminated" - Server 2016 "Install Application On Remote Desktop Server" tool in Control Panel/Programs not found "Licensing timed out" when creating to Remote Desktop Connec...
Get-EventLog system -after (get-date).AddDays(-1) | where {$_.InstanceId -eq 7001} To learn when the computer was turned on a specific date, you can select the first logged event: $today = get-date -Hour 0 -Minute 0; Get-EventLog system -after $today | sort -Descending | sel...
Fixed Windows event logs filtering when copying them to the Docker Desktop log files. Fixes docker/for-win#6258. Fixed a handle leak in vpnkit-bridge. Fixed docker/for-win#5841 Fixed a bug when removing Docker Desktop virtual switch. Added a link to the Stable channel from the Docker Deskt...