WSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abort. 一个已建立的连接被你的主机上的软件终止,可能是因为一次数据传输超时或是协议错误。 WSAECONNREFUSED (10061) Connection refused. 因为目标主机主动拒绝,连接不能建立。这通常是因为试图连接到一个远程主机上不活动的 服务,如没有服务器应用程序处于执行状态。
WSAECONNABORTED (10053)Software caused connection abort. 一个已建立的连接被你的主机上的软件终止,可能是因为一次数据传输超时或是协议错误。 WSAECONNREFUSED (10061)Connection refused. 因为目标主机主动拒绝,连接不能建立。这通常是因为试图连接到一个远程主机上不活动的服务,如没有服务器应用程序处于执行状态。 WSAE...
Software caused connection abort. An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine, possibly due to a data transmission timeout or protocol error. WSAECONNREFUSED (10061) Connection refused. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. This usu...
Software caused connection abort. An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine, possibly due to a data transmission timeout or protocol error. WSAECONNREFUSED (10061) Connection refused. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. ...
Socket error 11003 - This is a non-recoverable error Socket error 11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested type WSAEADDRINUSE (10048) Address already in use WSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abort WSAECONNREFUSED (10061) Connection refused ...
WSAECONNREFUSED (10061) Connection refused. 因为目标主机主动拒绝,连接不能建立。这通常是因为试图连接到一个远程主机上不活动的服务,如没有服务器应用程序处于执行状态。 WSAECONNRESET (10054) Connection reset by peer. 存 在的连接被远程主机强制关闭。通常原因为:远程主机上对等方应用程序突然停止运行,或远程主...
WSAECONNABORTED (10053) Software caused connection abort. 一个已建立的连接被你的主机上的软件终止,可能是因为一次数据传输超时或是协议错误。 WSAECONNREFUSED (10061) Connection refused. 因为目标主机主动拒绝,连接不能建立。这通常是因为试图连接到一个远程主机上不活动的服务,如没有服务器应用程序处于执行状态。
10061 WSAECONNREFUSED Connection refused. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the foreign host — that is, one with no server application running. 10064 WSAEHOSTDOWN Host is down...
解决telnet: connect to address Connection refused的错误信息问题 2019-12-20 10:35 −1、检查telnet是否已安装: rpm -qa telnet 2、有输出说明已安装,如果没有输出则没有安装,使用yum install telnet进行安装 3、检查telnet-server是否已安装: rpm -qa telnet-server 有输出说... ...
ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] 由于目标计算机积极拒绝,无法连接。 文章最开始的位置,给出的推荐参考链接,讲得很详细,从安装Redis就开始讲解,包括命令安装(例如上面的问题1给出的命令),还有Windows下通过下载whl文件安装,这里就不搬过来讲述了。回到正题。